npm install
// Only an input is needed, html content is generated
<label for="test">Select a file...</label>
<input type="file" name="files[]" id="test">
import Upload from 'adeliom-upload-js';
const uploadField = {
selector: 'input[type="file"]',
maxFileSize: 2,
maxTotalFilesSize: 10,
maxNbFiles: 5,
limitCharacters: 10,
displayMaxFileSize: true,
displayRestSize: true,
displayRestFiles: true,
displayFilenameError: true,
multiple: true,
mimeType: false,
fileExtensions: [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".pdf"],
dropZone: false,
actionAjax: null,
language: 'fr',
languages: {},
customContentOnly: false,
customContent: '',
useBase64Inputs: false,
// If you want to add a new language, create a constant with all the keys
const ru = {
textBtnUpload: 'Ajouter un fichier',
textBeforeUpload: 'Aucun fichier sélectionné',
textAfterUpload: 'Vos fichiers',
textSizeRest: '{{number}} restant',
textFileRest: '{{number}} fichier{{s}} restant{{s}}',
textMaxFileSize: '{{number}} maximum par fichier',
textFileNotValid: "Votre fichier n'est pas valide:",
textMultipleFileNotValid: "Vos fichiers ne sont pas valides:",
textFileTooBig: "Votre fichier est trop lourd:",
textMultipleFileTooBig: "Vos fichiers sont trop lourd:",
textTotalFilesSize: "Le poids total de vos fichiers est trop lourd.",
textTooManyFiles: "Trop de fichiers téléchargés !",
textTotalFiles: "La limite du nombre de fichier est atteinte",
textErrorsUpload: "Une erreur est survenue, impossible de télécharger le fichier."
// If you want to update a language you can specify which key you want to override
const settings = {
languages: {
ru: ru,
fr: {
textBtnUpload: 'This text is updated'
const uploadField = new Upload(settings);
// Need to be called before the init class
uploadField.on('init', (response) => {
// when a file is uploaded
uploadField.on('success', (response) => {
// when a file is deleted
uploadField.on('delete', (response) => {
// when there is an error (file too big, too many files...)
uploadField.on('error', (response) => {
language: 'en',
uploadField.language = 'en';