Additional tools for neuroscience experiments, including:
- A framework for polling input devices on a separate process.
- A framework for keyframe-based animation.
- High-resolution clocks.
Everything should work on Windows/Mac/Linux.
Current release:
pip install toon
Development version:
pip install -i toon --pre
Or for the latest commit (requires compilation):
pip install git+
See the demos/ folder for usage examples (note: some require additional packages).
provides a framework for polling from input devices, including common peripherals like mice and keyboards, with the flexibility to handle less-common devices like eyetrackers, motion trackers, and custom devices (see toon/input/
for examples). The goal is to make it easier to use a wide variety of devices, including those with sampling rates >1kHz, with minimal performance impact on the main process.
We use the built-in multiprocessing
module to control a separate process that hosts the device, and, in concert with numpy
, to move data to the main process via shared memory. It seems that under typical conditions, we can expect single read()
operations to take less than 500 microseconds (and more often < 100 us). See demos/ for an example of measuring user-side read performance.
Typical use looks like this:
from toon.input import MpDevice
from mymouse import Mouse
from timeit import default_timer
device = MpDevice(Mouse())
with device:
t1 = default_timer() + 10
while default_timer() < t1:
res =
# alternatively, unpack immediately
# time, data =
if res:
time, data = res # unpack (or access via res.time,
# N-D array of data (0th dim is time)
# 1D array of times
Creating a custom device is relatively straightforward, though there are a few boxes to check.
from ctypes import c_double
class MyDevice(BaseDevice):
# optional: give a hint for the buffer size (we'll allocate 1 sec worth of this)
sampling_frequency = 500
# this can either be introduced at the class level, or during __init__
shape = (3, 3)
# ctype can be a python type, numpy dtype, or ctype
# including ctypes.Structures
ctype = c_double
# optional. Do not start device communication here, wait until `enter`
def __init__(self):
## Use `enter` and `exit`, rather than `__enter__` and `__exit__`
# optional: configure the device, start communicating
def enter(self):
# optional: clean up resources, close device
def exit(self):
# required
def read(self):
# See demos/ for examples of sharing a time source between the processes
time = self.clock()
# store new data with a timestamp
data = get_data()
return time, data
This device can then be passed to a toon.input.MpDevice
, which preallocates the shared memory and handles other details.
A few things to be aware of for data returned by MpDevice
- If there's no data for a given
is returned. - The returned data is a copy of the local copy of the data. If you don't need copies, set
when instantiating theMpDevice
. - If receiving batches of data when reading from the device, you can return a list of (time, data) tuples.
- You can optionally use
instead of a context manager. - You can check for remote errors at any point using
, though this automatically happens after entering the context manager and when reading. - In addition to python types/dtypes/ctypes, devices can return
s (see input tests or the example_devices folder for examples).
This is still a work in progress, though I think it has some utility as-is. It's a port of the animation component in the Magnum framework, though lacking some of the features (e.g. Track extrapolation, proper handling of time scaling).
from math import sin, pi
from time import sleep
from timeit import default_timer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from toon.anim import Track, Player
# see toon/anim/ for all available easings
from toon.anim.easing import LINEAR, ELASTIC_IN
class Circle(object):
x = 0
y = 0
circle = Circle()
# list of (time, value)
keyframes = [(0.2, -0.5), (0.5, 0), (3, 0.5)]
x_track = Track(keyframes, easing=LINEAR)
# we can reuse keyframes
y_track = Track(keyframes, easing=ELASTIC_IN)
player = Player(repeats=3)
# directly modify an attribute
player.add(x_track, 'x', obj=circle)
def y_cb(val, obj):
obj.y = val
# modify via callback
player.add(y_track, y_cb, obj=circle)
t0 = default_timer()
vals = []
times = []
while player.is_playing:
t = default_timer()
vals.append([circle.x, circle.y])
# sleep(1/60)
plt.plot(times, vals)
Other notes:
- Non-numeric attributes, like color strings, can also be modified in this framework (easing is ignored).
- Multiple objects can be modified simultaneously by feeding a list of objects into
The util
module includes high-resolution clocks/timers via QueryPerformanceCounter/Frequency
on Windows, mach_absolute_time
on MacOS, and clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
on Linux. The class is called MonoClock
, and an instantiation called mono_clock
is created upon import. Usage:
from toon.util import mono_clock, MonoClock
clk = mono_clock # re-use pre-instantiated clock
clk2 = MonoClock(relative=False) # time relative to whenever the system's clock started
t0 = clk.get_time()
Another utility currently included is a priority
function, which tries to improve the determinism of the calling script. This is derived from Psychtoolbox's Priority
(doc here). General usage is:
from toon.util import priority
if not priority(1):
raise RuntimeError('Failed to raise priority.')
# stuff...
The input should be a 0 (no priority/cancel), 1 (higher priority), or 2 (realtime). If the requested level is rejected, the function will return False
. The exact implementational details depend on the host operating system. All implementations disable garbage collection.
- Uses
. level = 2
only seems to work if running Python as administrator.
- Only disables/enables garbage collection; I don't have a Mac to test on.
- Sets the scheduler policy and parameters
. - If
level == 2
, locks the calling process's virtual address space into RAM viamlockall
. - Any
level > 0
seems to fail unless the user is either superuser, or has the right capability. I've used setcap:sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=eip <path to python>
(disable by passingsudo setcap cap_sys_nice= <path>
). For memory locking, I've used Psychtoolbox's 99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf and added myself to the psychtoolbox group.
Your mileage may vary on whether these actually improve latency/determinism. When in doubt, measure! Read the warnings here.
Notes about checking whether parts are working:
- In the task manager under details, right-clicking on python and mousing over "Set priority" will show the current priority level. I haven't figured out how to verify the Avrt threading parts are working.
- Check
withcat /proc/{python pid}/status | grep VmLck
- Check priority with
top -c -p $(pgrep -d',' -f python)