😎 List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
Please read this discussion before contributing to Hacktoberfest.
To add a resource or contribute, please check out our contribution guide here.
(If you're viewing this one the website, try clicking the icon buttons to filter the items in the list based on the category)
Throughout this list you'll see next to each resource and emoji. Here's what each mean:
📚 Course, long series or list of tutorials, or books
📁 Documentation
🔈 Podcast
📗 Single Tutorial
🔧 Tool
📹 Video Resource (Youtube, video course, etc...)
💡 Other
- Algorithms
- Android
- Angular
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Blockchain
- Bots
- C
- C++
- Clojure
- Computer Science
- CSharp
- Dart
- Database
- Data Science
- Deep Learning
- DevOps
- Django
- Docker
- Express
- Ethical Hacking
- Expo
- Fundamental CP algorithms
- Flutter
- GitHub
- Go
- GraphQL
- Ionic
- Java
- Javascript
- Kubernetes
- Laravel
- Linux
- Machine Learning
- Magento
- Markdown
- NodeJS
- Operating Systems
- PostgreSQL
- Power Automate
- Python
- React
- React Native
- Regular Expressions
- Ruby
- Rust
- Sass
- Spring
- Svelte
- Swift
- System Design
- Terraform
- Testing
- Typescript
- Unity
- Vue
- Web Accessibility
- Web Development
- Webpack
- Others
- 📚 Vogella Tutorials
- 📚 Android Basics with Kotlin Course
- 📁 Build your first app
- 📁 Official Documentation
- 💡 Android™ Notes for Professionals book
- 💡 Android Developer Roadmap
- 💡 Android cheat sheet
- 💡 Android Tips & Tricks
- 💡 Awesome Android
- 📚 Kotlin Fundamentals for Android Developers
- 📹 Android Jetpack Compose For Beginners
- 📚 Egghead.io - Angular
- 📹 Egghead.io - Build Redux Style Applications with Angular2, RxJS, and ngrx/store
- 📹 Udemy - Introduction to Angular 2
- 📹 Udemy - Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide
- 📹 Udemy - The Complete Guide to Angular 2
- 📹 Pluralsight - Angular 2: First Look
- 📹 Pluralsight - Angular 2: Getting Started
- 💡 Angular Material - Material Design components for Angular
- 💡 Angular Powered Bootstrap - Bootstrap widgets for Angular
- 📚 freeCodeCamp.org - Learn Angular - Full Tutorial Course
- 📹 Big Data
- 💡 KnowEthereum (handpicked ethereum resources)
- 📗 Learn Solidity By Example
- 📚 Crypto Zombie - Build DApps By Building Simple Games
- 📹 Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript
- 📹 Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial
- 📹 Complete Blockchain tutorial for beginners
- 📚 Become a Web3 Developer
- 📗 Simple Twitter Bot Tutorial with Node.js
- 📗 Create a Simple WhatsApp Chatbot without Coding
- 📁 Build Your First Wit App
- 📗 How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy
- 📹 Discord.JS v13 - Make your own Discord bots by following this video series
- 📹 C Full Course
- 📹 C Programming for Beginners
- 📚 Learn C Org
- 💡 C Cheatsheet
- 📚 C Tutorial - Learn C in Detail
- 💡 CP Algorithms
- 📚 Tutorials Point Course
- 💡 How to Learn the C++ Languages: The Ultimate List
- 💡 The C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
- 📚 C++ Series GeeksForGeeks
- 📚 LearnCPP
- 📹 C++ Tutorial
- 📁 C++ API Reference
- 📹 C++ Standard Template Library in Practice
- 📹 C++ Standard Template Library for Competative programming
- 💡 C++ Cheatsheet
- 📚 C++ Tutorial - Learn CPP in Detail
- 📹 Complete C++ Placement DSA Course
- 📚 Clojure for the Brave and True
- 💡 Clojure Cheatsheet
- 📁 Clojure Documentation
- 📁 Clojure API
- 📹 Clojure Tutorial
- 📹 Clojure Crash Course
- 📹 The Clojure Language
- 📹 Clojure tutorial by a Defold developer
- 💡 Awesome Awesomeness
- 📚 CS50
- 📚 Khan Academy - Computer Science
- 💡 Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- 📚 Teach Yourself Computer Science
- 📚 Introduction to Compilers and How they Work
- 📁 Agda usage
- 📚 Freely available programming books
- 📁 Programming Language Foundation in Agda
- 📹 Type Theory playlist
- 📚 CSS Tutorial on W3Schools
- 💡 30SecondsOfCode CSS Snippet
- 📗 A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- 📗 A Complete Guide to Grid
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Bootstrap
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Bulma
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Materialize
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Tailwind CSS
- 📹 CSS Flexbox - Wes Bos
- 📹 CSS Grid - Wes Bos
- 🔧 CSS Box-Shadow Generator
- 🔧 CSS Gradient Generator
- 🔧 CSS Animated Gradient Background Generator
- 🔧 Online CSS3 Code Generator - EnjoyCSS : A gallery with ready made solutions from text effects to art and templates.
- 🔧 CSS Section Separator Generator
- 💡 CSS Grid - A simple visual cheatsheet by Malven
- 💡 CSS Flex - A simple visual cheatsheet by Malven
- 💡 CSSBattle
- 📚 Learning Advanced CSS and HTML
- 💡 Style Stage - A modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions
- 📹 Tailwind CSS Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course
- 📹 Introduction to CSS
- 📹 CSS Units px, rem, em, vh, vw / Absolute Vs Relative Units
- 🔧 Whirl : CSS loading animations with minimal effort!
- 🔧 CSS Selector Generator
- 💡 CSS Cheat Sheet
- 📚 CSS Tutorial - Learn CSS in Detail
- 🔧 CSS Multicolor Gradient
- 💡 CSS Grid Garden
- 💡 CSS Flexbox-Froggy - Learn Flexbox while playing
- 💡 Knights of the Flexbox Table
- 📚 Learn CSS From Scratch
- 💡 100 Days CSS Challenge
- 💡 CSS Reference
- 🔧 CSS Validator
- 🔧 CSS Color Picker
- 🔧 CSS Framework - UIkit
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Skeleton
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Pure
- 🔧 CSS Framework - Material Design Lite
- 💡 5 books every C# developer should read
- 💡 C# From a Java Developer's Perspective
- 📁 C# Microsoft Docs
- 📚 The C# Yellow Book
- 📚 Free C# online courses
- 📁 Asynchronous programming: futures, async, await
- 📁 Books about Dart
- 📁 Dart Cheatsheet
- 📁 DartPad in tutorials: best practices
- 📹 Dart videos from Google
- 📹 Dart Tutorial for Beginners: Basics and Fundamentals for Flutter
- 📚 Intro to Dart for Java Developers
- 📁 Iterable collections
- 📹 Practical SQL Series
- 📹 DBMS Database Management System-For College
- 📹 Database Systems - Cornell University Course (SQL, NoSQL, Large-Scale Data Analysis)
- 📚 SQL Bolt - learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises
- 📚 DPhi-Data Science Courses
- 📚 Data Science Methodology
- 💡 Data Science Cheat Sheets
- 📚 IBM Data Science Coursera
- 📹 Introduction to Data Science with R
- 💡 Machine Learning Algorithms from Scratch
- 📚 Python for Data Science: Fundamentals
- 📚 Python for Data Science: Intermediate
- 📚 Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specializations Course
- 📗 Convolutional networks CS231n
- 📚 Deep Learning Fundamentals
- 💡 Deep learning cheat sheet
- 📚 Natural Language Processing CS224n
- 📚 IBM Deep Learning Course with certification
- 📚 Geometric Deep Learning
- 📚 CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs
- 📁 Django Documentation
- 📗 Deploy Django Application on Heroku
- 📹 Everything about using Celery with Django
- 📹 Python Backend Web Development Course (with Django)
- 📹 Django tutorial for beginners
- 💡 Django Cheatsheet
- 📗 Django REST APIs
- 📁 90DaysOfDevOps
- 📁 Azure DevOps
- 📗 Agile vs Devops
- 📚 Become a DevOps Engineer - Linkedin Learning
- 💡 DevOps terms: 10 essential concepts, explained
- 📚 DevOps for Dummies - by IBM
- 💡 DevOps Roadmap for beginners
- 💡 How To Become a DevOps Engineer In Six Months or Less
- 📹 Free DevOps Bootcamp from beginner to advanced
- 📹 DevOps roadmap with Resources
- 💡 How to Become a DevOps Engineer in Six Months - by Spacelift
- 💡 9 DevOps Best Practices – What You Should Do and NOT Do - by Spacelift
- 💡 Best tools for DevOps
- 📚 DevOps Bootcamp
- 📁 Docker Overview & Basics
- 📹 Docker for beginners
- 📚 Docker Curriculum Ebook
- 🔧 Docker Labs environment
- 📚 Docker labs
- 💡 Docker Cheat sheet
- 📗 LinkedIn Login using Node JS, Express and passport
- 📚 Curated ExpressJS Courses - a list of community curated resources
- 📚 ExpressJS Courses at Classpert - a list of courses (free and paid) from Classpert Online Course Search
- 💡 Security Practices in Express App
- 💡 List of helpful algos
- 📚 Stanford University Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1
- 📚 Stanford University Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2
- 📹 Sorting Algorithms - mycodeschool
- 💡 Algorithm Visualizer
- 📹 Greedy Algorithm by Abdul Bari
- 💡 Collection of hackers, pentesters & security researchers
- 📹 Ethical Hacking from Scratch
- 🔧 Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform
- 📹 Penetration Testing Bootcamp
- 💡 Practical-Ethical-Hacking-Resources
- 📹 Fundamentals of Networking
- 📹 Computer Networking Full Course - OSI Model Deep Dive with Real Life Examples
- 📹 Computer Networking Course - Network Engineering (CompTIA Network+ Exam Prep)
- 📗 Binary Exponentiation
- 📗 Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor
- 📗 Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- 📗 Fibonacci Numbers
- 📗 Linear Diophantine Equations
- 📹 DSA + Java Interview Preparation Course
- 📹 DSA + C++ Interview Preparation Course
- 📹 Data Structures
- 📹 DSA-One Course - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course
- 📗 Minimum Stack / Minimum Queue
- 📚 Data Structures Tutorial - Scalar
- 📚 Princeton University Algorithms, Part 1
- 📚 Princeton University Algorithms, Part 2
- 📚 Sparse Table
- 📚 This is CS50x - David J. Malan
- 📚 IIT Bombay Foundation of Data Structures (CS213.1x)
- 📚 Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms - Brynn Claypoole, Horatio Thomas
- 📗 Divide and Conquer DP
- 📗 Dynamic Programming on Broken Profile. Problem "Parquet"
- 📗 Dynamic Programming GeeksforGeeks
- 📗 Finding the largest zero submatrix
- 📹 Best Dynamic Programming Playlist
- 📗 Aho-Corasick algorithm
- 📗 Prefix function - Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- 📗 Rabin-Karp for String Matching
- 📗 String Hashing
- 📗 Suffix Array
- 📗 Z-function
- 📚 Introduction to Graph Theory
- 📗 Breadth First Search
- 📗 Depth First Search
- 📗 Shortest Path (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
- 📗 Shortest Path with Negative Weights (Bellman Ford Algorithm)
- 📗 Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's Algorithm)
- 📗 Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal's Algorithm)
- 📗 Max Flow (Ford-Fulkerson and Edmonds-Karp Algorithms)
- 📹 Striver's Graph Series
- 📗 Adding Google Maps to a Flutter app
- 📹 Animation in Flutter
- 📗 Building beautiful UIs with Flutter
- 📗 Building Beautiful Transitions with Material Motion for Flutter
- 📗 Building a Cupertino app with Flutter
- 📗 Build a Photo Sharing app with Google Photos and Flutter
- 📗 Firebase for Flutter
- 📹 Flutter Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube
- 📹 Flutter Animation Tutorial - YouTube
- 📹 Flutter & Firebase App Build - YouTube
- 📁 Flutter Documentation
- 📗 How to test a Flutter app
- 📹 Reactive Programming with Flutter
- 📁 Write your first Flutter app, Part 1
- 📗 Write your first Flutter app, Part 2
- 📗 Write a Flutter desktop application
- 📹 Flutter Bloc Complete Course
- 📹 Flutter Bloc - from Zero To HERO
- 🔧 Netlify
- 🔧 Heroku
- 🔧 Vercel
- 🔧 Fly.io
- 🔧 Github Pages
- 🔧 Gitlab Pages
- 🔧 Deta
- 🔧 InfinityFree
- 🔧 Cyclic
- 🔧 Surge
- 🔧 Adaptable
- 📁 Pro Git Book
- 📚 Udacity's Git Commit Style Guide
- 💡 Learn Git Branching: A beautiful visual guide to learn simple and advanced Git.
- 💡 Git Explorer
- 💡 NPD Software :: Git Cheatsheet
- 💡 Git notes for Professionals Book
- 📚 Introduction to Git and Github ebook - Bobby Iliev(Markdown, PDF)
- 📚 Introduction to Git and Github - Launch School
- 📚 Git Immersion
- 💡 30SecondsOfCode Git Snippets
- 💡 Git - the simple guide
- 💡 Oh My Git: Open source Git learning game.
- 💡 Git Exercises by Fracz
- 📗 A Visual Git Reference
- 📗 GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats
- 💡 Top GitHub best practices for developers
- 📚 Learning Git By Atlassian
- 📹 An Introduction to Git and GitHub by Brian Yu
- 📁 Git Documentaton
- 📗 Dangit, Git!?!
- 💡 Using multiple Git accounts with SSH keys
- 📗 How to Write a Git Commit Message
- 📹 Kunal Kushwaha's Complete Git and GitHub tutorial
- 📹 Git & GitHub Tutorial For Beginners In Hindi - हिंदी में
- 📗 How to create a pull request in GitHub
- 📗 Squash mutilple commits into one in GitHub
- 📚 GitHub Learning Lab
- 📹 Hands-on-experience-of-git-commands
- 📗 Step by Step Guide to Contributing on GitHub
- 💡 GitHub Protips: Tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets from Lee Reilly
- 📗 GitHub Minesweeper: hands-on introduction to working with Git and GitHub in a team
- 🔧 Readme.so: Easiest way to make good readme for your github repos
- 📹 Complete Git and Github Tutorial
- 📗 How to Create Github Profile README
- 📁 A Tour of Go - A Complete Tour of the Go Programming Language.
- 📚 Go by Example
- 📚 Gophercises: Free Coding Exercises for Budding Gophers
- 📚 Learn Go with Tests
- 💡 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs
- 📹 Golang for begineers - YouTube playlist
- 📹 Let's go with golang - YouTube playlist
- 📁 Effective Go
- 📹 GraphQL tutorial for beginners
- 📚 GraphQL Tutorials
- 📹 Complete App with GraphQl
- 📹 Learn GraphQL with React
- 💡 HTML Cheat sheet by CodeWithHarry
- 💡 5 HTML Tricks Nobody is Talking About
- 💡 11 Lifesaving HTML/CSS Tricks Every Developer Should Know
- 💡 HTML CheatSheet
- 📁 HTML documentation for beginners
- 📗 Build your first HTML Project
- 📹 HTML tutorial for beginners
- 📹 Introduction to HTML
- 📹 Learn HTML! with 100Devs
- 📚 HTML Tutorial - Learn HTML in Detail
- 📹 Angular to React for Ionic Developers
- 📗 Add a Firebase Database to your Ionic App
- 💡 Awesome Ionic - A curated list of awesome Ionic libraries, resources, and solutions from Ionic 1 to the latest version of the framework
- 📗 Building an Ionic JWT Refresh Token Flow
- 📚 Learn Java - Free Interactive Java Tutorial
- 💡 10 Simple Java Projects for Beginners
- 📹 Advanced Java Programming
- 📚 Learn Servlet Tutorials
- 📚 Object Oriented Programming in Java
- 📚 Learn Java Programming Language Step by Step
- 📹 Java Full Course
- 📚 Java Programming - Test Automation University
- 📚 Java Programming - University of Helsinki
- 📹 Learn Java 8 - Full Tutorial for Beginners - freeCodeCamp
- 📹 Java Beginner Course - freeCodeCamp
- 📹 Java Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh
- 📹 Java + DSA + Interview Preparation Course
- 💡 Java Cheatsheet
- 📚 Java Tutorial - Learn Java Programming in Detail
- 📚 Java Programming Cheat sheet - Princeton
- 📹 Learn How JavaScripts works Behind the Scene by Akshay Saini
- 📚 CoderslangJS
- 💡 Beginner JavaScript Notes + Reference by Wes Bos
- 📗 Learn Modern JavaScript ES6 | ES7 | ES8
- 📗 Learn JavaScript through a game
- 💡 JavaScript ES2020 - The Features You Should Know
- 💡 S.O.L.I.D. Principles around You, in JavaScript
- 💡 The 30 days JavaScript Challenge
- 📹 JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts
- 📚 Full Stack Javascript course by The Odin Project
- 📚 Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript
- 📚 The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- 💡 20 Killer JavaScript One Liners
- 📚 You Don't Know JS Yet (book series)
- 💡 30SecondsOfCode JavaScript Snippets
- 📚 Full Stack open 2021
- 📗 Demystifying JavaScript Promises - A New Way to Learn
- 💡 Favorite JavaScript Utilities in single line of code! No more!
- 💡 JavaScript CheatSheet by DaveChild
- 📚 Introduction to JavaScript
- 🔧 Free js.org Subdomain For Github Pages
- 📚 Eloquent JavaScript - A Modern Introduction to Programming
- 📚 JavaScript Garden
- 📹 JavaScript by Example - Level 1 by Hussein Nasser
- 📹 JavaScript by Example - Level 2 by Hussein Nasser
- 📹 Namaste JavaScript
- 📚 20+ Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript
- 💡 JavaScript plugins - jQuery & Vanilla
- 📹 JavaScript tutorial for Beginners 😎
- 📚 Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs
- 📚 TheJSWay Book
- 📹 Learn Javascript with 100Devs
- 📚 JavaScript Tutorial - Learn JavaScript in Detail
- 🔧 Visualize JavaScript and Understand the Workflow
- 📚 FreeCodeCamp - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- 📁 Official Documentation
- 📹 Video Tutorials for Laravel
- 🔧 Serverless Deployment for Laravel
- 🔧 Micro Laravel Framework for APIs
- 🔧 Server Management for Laravel
- 📹 Creating "Laravel Checklister"
- 📚 Laravel Tutorial
- 📚 Laravel News
- 📚 LaraShout: Laravel Tutorials and Guides
- 💡 Laravel Daily
- 📚 Laravel Bootcamp
- 📁 Official Documentation
- 📚 Complete tutorial from Tutorialpoint
- 📹 Less CSS Tutorials for Beginners Playlist
- 📹 Introduction to Linux
- 📹 Introduction to Linux & Terminal Commands - Full Course for Beginners
- 📚 KodeKloud - Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
- 📚 Linux kernel and its insides
- 💡 Interactive map of Linux Kernel
- 📚 Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition
- 💡 Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
- 📚 Linux Fundamentals Part 1
- 📚 Linux Fundamentals Part 2
- 📚 Linux Fundamentals Part 3
- 📚 Google's Machine Learning Crash Course
- 📚 Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Coursera Course
- 📚 Intro to Machine Learning
- 📚 Intermediate Machine Learning
- 📚 Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
- 📚 Probability and Statistics
- 📚 freecodecamp's courses for machine learning
- 💡 A quick review of the linear algebra concepts relevant to machine learning.
- 📚 Calculus
- 📚 Statistical concepts for machine learning
- 💡 AWS Machine Learning Tools
- 📗 Introductory Primer
- 💡 Machine Learning Roadmap
- 📚 TinyML Course
- 📚 Deep Learning - University of buffalo
- 📚 Machine Learning Introduction with Python
- 🔈 Machine Learning Guide Podcast
- 📚 An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
- 📹 Neural Networks Theory
- 🔧 Fast Virtual Machine for Magento2
- 🔧 Docker Configuration for Magento2
- 📚 Become Magento 2 Developer with Mage Mastery (online courses and workshops)
- 📚 MySQL Tutorial
- 📹 MySQL - The Basics // Learn SQL in 23 Easy Steps - Fireship
- 📹 MySQL Crash Course - Traversy Media
- 📹 MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh
- 📹 SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners - freeCodeCamp
- 📹 MySQL Database - Full Course - freeCodeCamp
- 💡 MySQL Cheatsheet
- 📚 Introduction to nodejs
- 📚 Beginners guide to nodejs (step by step)
- 📗 Node JS Architecture
- 📗 Deploy Node App on AWS EC2
- 💡 30SecondsOfCode Node JS Snippets
- 📗 The only NodeJs introduction you’ll ever need
- 📹 Introduction to Node.js
- 📗 Back End Development and APIs
- 📹 Backend Interview Series
- 📚 30 Days of Node
- 📁 Node.js Documentation
- 📹 Operating Systems
- 📚 Operating System Tutorial - Learn Operating System
- 📹 Operating System - For College
- 📚 Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
- 📹 Operating Systems: Operating Systems for Placements/Interview
- 📚 PHP: The Right Way
- 📹 PHP Front to Back
- 📚 PHP Apprentice: An Online Book For Learning PHP
- 📚 Learn PHP - SoloLearn
- 💡 40+ Useful Php tips for beginners
- 💡 PHP Cheat Sheet
- 📗 Design Patterns
- 💡 SQL Cheat Sheet - ABZ-Aaron
- 📚 PostgreSQL Tutorial
- 📹 Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial - freeCodeCamp
- 📹 SQL Tutorial for Beginners - Ben Awad
- 📹 SQL Tutorials - Corey Schafer
- 📁 PostgreSQL SQL documentation
- 💡 PostgreSQL exercises
- 📚 CS50P - CS50's intro to Programing With Python
- 📚 Automate The Boring Stuff With Python
- 📚 Python Intermediate Tutorial
- 📚 Python Programming MOOC 2022(University of Helsinki)
- 📚 Python Tutorial
- 📹 Python for Everybody (14 hour course)
- 💡 Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners
- 📚 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
- 📚 Python Tutorials with online IDE - jobtensor
- 📹 Python 3 Basics Tutorial Series - YouTube
- 📗 Learning Python: From Zero To Hero
- 📹 Complete Python Tutorial In Hindi - YouTube
- 💡 TheAlgorithms/Python: All Algorithms implemented in Python
- 💡 30SecondsOfCode Python Snippets
- 📗 Selenium with Python Tutorial
- 📹 Python Flask Tutorial
- 💡 Python Cheatsheet
- 💡 Python Cheatsheet
- 📚 Python Tutorial - Learn Python Programming
- 📚 Python From Scratch
- 📚 React Tutorial - W3Schools
- 📚 Egghead.io: Start Learning React
- 📁 React Official Tutorial
- 📁 Using React in Visual Studio Code
- 📚 Scrimba - Learn React for free interactively
- 💡 FreeCodeCamp React Challenges
- 💡 React Cheatsheet
- 💡 React Patterns
- 💡 Useful Packages you should know in React
- 📚 Learn React Test Driven Development
- 📹 ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners
- 📚 The React Beginner's Handbook
- 📹 React.js Clones by PAPA React
- 📚 Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization
- 📗 React Custom Hooks Tutorial
- 📹 10 react hooks explained
- 📹 React Hooks
- 📹 React JS Crash Course
- 📚 Become a React Developer - Linkedin Learning
- 📹 React Testing Tutorial by Codevolution
- 📹 React JS Full Course 2022 | Build an App and Master React in 1 Hour
- 📁 React Native Tutorial
- 💡 Performance Limitations of React Native and How to Overcome Them
- 📗 VSCode setup for React Native
- 📗 Build E-Commerce App in React Native
- 📗 How to deploy react native apps
- 📹 React Native Tutorial For Beginners
- 📚 Become a React Native Developer - Linkedin Learning
- 🔧 RegExr - an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions
- 🔧 Regex101 - Build, test, and debug regex
- 📚 Regex Learn - Learn Regex step by step, from zero to advanced
- 📚 Codecademy - Learn the Basics of Regular Expressions
- 📹 Net Ninja - Regex YT Playlist
- 📚 Ruby from Tutorialspoint
- 📹 Full course by freeCodeCamp.org
- 📚 Full Stack Ruby and Ruby on Rails course by The Odin Project
- 📁 The Rust Programming Language book
- 💡 Rustlings - small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
- 📹 The Rust Lang Book video series by Let's Get Rusty
- 📹 Rust Programming Course for Beginners - Tutorial
- 📁 Complete Documentation
- 🔧 Zurb - Library to Create Transitions & Animations
- 🔧 Vanilla Framework
- 🔧 Susy - Grid Layout Engine
- 📹 SASS Tutorial (Build Your Own CSS Library)
- 📁 Getting Started - Building an Application
- 📁 Spring Security Architecture
- 📁 Building a RESTful Web Service
- 📹 Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners
- 📁 Introduction and basics of Svelte
- 📗 Getting started with Svelte - MDN
- 📹 Svelte for beginners - The Net Ninja
- 📹 Learn the Svelte JavaScript Framework: Full Course - Freecodecamp
- 📚 Swift Tutorial
- 📚 Build your very first iOS app
- 📹 Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners
- 📁 Documentation
- 📗 Swift UI quick start
- 📹 SwiftUI Basics Tutorial
- 📹 System Design Concepts
- 📹 System Design Primer Course
- 📹 System Design Interview Preparation Series by codeKarle
- 📹 Basics of System Design by Coding Simplified
- 💡 Terraform Study Guide
- 📚 HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate 2021 (Zeal Vora)
- 📹 Deep Dive - Terraform (Pluralsight)
- 📹 Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure
- 📹 Terraform for DevOps Beginners + Labs: Complete Step by Step Guide!
- 💡 250 Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification
- 💡 How to Start a Career in Testing?
- 📗 Testing React with Jest and Enzyme
- 🔧 TestProject: Free Test Automation For All
- 🔧 Apache JMeter
- 📚 API Testing 101: Learn The Basics
- 💡 ISTQB Certification
- 📁 TypeScript Documentation: Handbook
- 📚 Scrimba - Introduction to TypeScript
- 📹 Typescript - The Basics
- 📹 Typescript Basics - Course
- 💡 Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript
- 📹 TypeScript Course for Beginners 2021 - Learn TypeScript from Scratch!
- 📚 Learn TypeScript Step by Step Tutorial
- 📚 Learn TypeScript From Scratch
- 📚 Type-Level TypeScript
- 📹 Vue JS 3 Tutorial for Beginners - Youtube Playlist of a Series of 12 Videos
- 💡 Using GitLab CI/CD to auto-deploy your Vue.js application to AWS S3
- 💡 Dockerizing a Vue App
- 📗 Deploying a Flask and Vue App to Heroku with Docker and Gitlab CI
- 💡 Large-scale Vuex application structures
- 💡 Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
- 📗 Mozilla Accessibility Guide
- 📗 Google Developers Guide on Accessibility
- 📗 Accessibility Testing Tutorial - A Complete Step By Step Guide
- 📚 IBM Full Stack Software Developer Specialization
- 📹 Frontend Interview Series
- 📹 Frontend Interview Series
- 📹 Frontend with HTML CSS JS & Browser APIs
- 💡 Frontendmentor.io Design To Code Frontend Challenges
- 💡 Codewell.cc Design To Code Frontend Challenges
- 💡 Cheatsheet Collection - DevHints
- 💡 Cheat Sheets
- 💡 Programming Cheat Sheets
- 💡 Codehouse - Cheatsheet Collection
- 💡 Emmet
- 💡 LeetCode
- 💡 Freebie Supply
- 💡 unDraw: Free illustrations, updated regularly
- 💡 Bulbman: Free Artistic Illustrations for Designers
- 💡 Feather Icons
- 💡 humaaans
- 💡 absurd
- 💡 Crello Free Templates
- 💡 404 Illustration: Free illustrations for 404 pages
- 💡 UI Design Daily: Awesome UI Components of all types
- 💡 Freepik: Find Free Vectors, Stock Photos and PSD
- 💡 Geometric Shapes: Free Geometric Shapes to use in Figma and download
- 💡 3D-Icons: Free 3D - Icons to download
- 💡 533 Hand-Picked Tools & Resources for Web Designers & Developers
- 💡 Illlustrations: Awesome 120+ free illustrations
- 💡 ls.graphics: Free mockups for different type of products
- 💡 Unsplash: Free high quality stock images and videos
- 💡 Undesign: Collection of free design tools and resources for makers, developers and designers
- 💡 DopeUI: High quality website UI templates
- 🔧 Design Junction: Resource library for Designers and Creatives
- 💡 Coolors: The super fast color schemes generator
- 💡 uiGradients: An awesome gradient generator
- 💡 Glassmorphism Generator: Amazing tool to generate glassmorphism design.
- 💡 Canva
- 💡 Photopea: Free online editor supporting PSD, XCF, Sketch, XD and CDR formats.
- 💡 Lorem Ipsum Generators: Awesome collection of Lorem Ipsum Generators
- 📚 Lapa Ninja: The best resources for Learning Design
- 💡 Font Awesome: Vector icons and social logos for your website
- 💡 SVG Backgrounds: Customize and apply backgrounds fast.
- 💡 Vecteezy: Download Free Vector Art, Stock Photos & Stock Videos.
- 💡 Haikei: Multiple Shape Generator for UI.
- 💡 Free Web Illustrations: Discover 1,500+ Free High-Quality Web Illustrations
- 📗 How to contribute to Open Source
- 💡 What open source projects should I contribute
- 📗 Why Open Source is Important for Students?
- 📗 What is Open Source?
- 📗 How to run graphics.h in VS Code
- 💡 Top 5 VS Code extensions for web developers
- 📹 VS Code Tutorial for Beginners
- 💡 The Best VS Code Extensions to Supercharge Your Git
- 🔧 Tiny helpers: A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers
- 🔧 How To Set Up ESLint & Prettier In VS Code
- 🔧 Ray.so: Create beautiful images of your code snippets!
- 🔧 Squircley: Start creating beautiful organic shapes ready to use for logos, icons and background images
- 🔧 BrandBird: An image editor for busy SaaS founders, who build in public!
- 🔧 Carbon: Create and share beautiful images of your source code. (An alternative of Ray.so)
- 📹 Coding Better World Together Live Session with Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin : Coding Better World Together is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today's society.
- 🔈 Clean Code with Uncle Bob Martin: When folks code long enough, in time they get themselves stuck in a code base that's kind of difficult to wrap thier heads around. In this podcast Uncle Bob Martin talks about the principles of clean code and how to not make a code base too difficult to understand.