- 🏆 Laureate of the National Scholarship 2024 (for top 0.4% student)(1w RMB)
- 🏆 Laureate of the National Scholarship 2023 (for top 0.2% student)(8k RMB)
- 📜 AAAI 2025 under review, co-first author
- 📜 NeurIPS 2024 accepted (Spotlight)
- 🥇 RoboCup2024 (China Robot Championship and The RoboCup China Open), National 1st Prize
- 🥇 Information Security and Countermeasures Contest 2024, National 1st Prize
- 🥈 Chinese Collegiate Computing Competition 2024, National 2nd Prize
- 🥈 The Electrician Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2024, National 2nd Prize
- 🥉 National Collegiate Statistical Modeling Competition 2023, National 3rd Prize
- 🔭 I’m currently working on:
- 🤖 Reinforcement Learning: My main research focuses on Meta Reinforcement Learning.
- 📊 Econometrics: I'm actively engaged in empirical analysis within the field of econometrics.
- 🤖 Multi-Agent Systems: I have experience in multi-agent reinforcement learning.
- 🌐 Project "FinanceSmart": Working on a comprehensive financial LLM to enhance data-driven decisions in finance.
- 🏥 Interest in Healthcare: I am keen on exploring multimodal data integration in medical contexts.
- 2024.11. 🏆 Second-time Laureate of the National Scholarship!
- 2024.09. 📜 Our paper UNICORN is accepted at NeurIPS 2024 as a spotlight!
- 2024.09. 🎓 Undergraduate GPA finalized at 93.4, ranking 2nd in the major (Top5%).