This script will help install any, or all, of Docker-CE, Docker-Compose, NGinX Proxy Manager,Navidrome and Portainer-CE.
- Clone the repo (
git clone
), or copy / paste the code from
file into a file on your server. - Change the permissions of the .sh file to make it executable with.
chmod +x <your-new-file>.sh
- Run the installer with
First, you'll be prompted to select the number for your OS / Distro. Currently I support CentOS 7 and 8, Debian 10 and 11, Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, Arch Linux.
Next, you'll be asked to answer "y" to any of the four software packages you'd like to install.
- Docker-CE
- Docker-Compose
- NGinx Proxy Manager
- Navidrome (music player))
- Portainer-CE
- if you answer y to Portainer, you'll be asked another question
Do you want
- full Portainer-CE with the web UI, or
- just Portainer-agent (which you connect to another full portainer instance).
Make that selection, and the install will continue.
Answering "n" to any of them will cause them to be skipped.
- You must have Docker-CE (or some version of Docker) installed in order to run any of the other three packages.
- You must have Docker-Compose installed in order to run NGinX Proxy Manager.
Original Repo Full Credits to original author