Turpial JS is a micro library with a set of tools to create web applications. Templating engines with JSX syntax. Create, load, and use components; load dependencies sequentially whenever you want in your app, and also load files (components, views, JS files) based on the URLs. Update views easily and develop a single page application in a few steps.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Yerikmiller/turpialjs/turpial.min.js"></script>
const turpial = new Turpial({
core_path: "/turpial/src/turpial-app/",
autoloader_folder: "views/",
public_path: "turpial",
cache: "no-store",
autoloader: true,
// core_path: where is alocated your turpial application (.turpial.js files)
/* public_path: Your application root folder name. Ex:
* in this case yout public_path should be "mywebpage"
/* autoloader_folder: if you want to autoload views (turpial.js) files based on URL
* we can manage how will work in each case manually
// cache: select if you want to cache files loaded
// autoloader: set as true if you want to activate autolaoder option.