This project is Made for Internship Project | Summer Intern | ISRO’s Space Technology Cell, IIT Delhi
Worked as Intern under Prof Dhanya CT, Chair Professor, IIT D Worked on Project: “Indigenous sensors based real time flood & Drought warning system”
Developed Portal for “Drought Monitoring for Jal Surakhsha Portal IIT D"
About Snepi Index :
This Index is use for Drought Monitor, this project is part of Research Going in IIT Under Prof Dhanya C T, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi & Phd Research Scholar Gauranshi Raj.
My project, "DROUGHT MONITOR," aims to introduce a real-time drought detection system in India. My role was to create a portal that integrates the Drought Index (Matlab Code). This project will soon be part of a larger initiative.
Throughout the internship, we faced setbacks that required us to change our approach multiple times. I learned to use Google Earth Engine, WebGis, Matlab, Precipitation Data, Potential Evapotranspiration Data, and the SPEI Index. With determination and invaluable support from my mentor, I persevered and successfully completed the project.
My Role: It was to understand the snepi index and deliver a site similar to US DROUGHT MONITOR which displays Drough in real time using Snepi Index
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS, leaflet.JS
BACKEND: Matlab for Computation, Google Earth Engine for Visualisation and Time Series Analysis
Server: Node, Express
Deployed Link: