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This repository holds the code for the paper:

  • Xin Du and Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii. "Semantic Field of Words Represented as Nonlinear Functions", NeurIPS 2022.

We proposed a new word representation in a functional space rather than a vector space, called FIeld REpresentation (FIRE). Each word $w$ is represented by a pair $[\mu, f]$, where $\mu$ is one or multiple locations, represented with a measure; $f: [-4,4]^2\to \mathbb{R}$ is a nonlinear function implemented by an individual small neural network for each word. The similarity between two words is thus computed by a mutual integral between the words:

$$ \mathrm{sim}(w_1,w_2) = \int f_1~\mathrm{d}\mu_2 + \int f_2~\mathbb{d}\mu_1. $$

Compared with previous word representation methods, FIRE represents nonlinear word polysemy while preserving a linear structure for additive semantic compositionality. The word polysemy is represented by the multimodality of $f$ and by the (possibly) multiple locations of $\mu$; as for compositionality, it is represented with functional additivity:

$$ w_1+w_2 = [\mu_1+\mu_2, f_1+f_2]. $$

The similarity between two sentences $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$ is thus computed with the word similarity between the words:

$$ \mathrm{sim}(\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2) = \gamma_1^\mathrm{T} \Sigma \gamma_2, $$

where $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ are weights assigned to the words in sentence 1 and 2, respectively; $\Sigma$ is the word similarity matrix: $\Sigma_{ij} = \mathrm{sim}(w_i, w_j)$.

Figure (left): words that are frequent and similar to the word bank, visualized in the semantic field of bank, when $\mu=m\delta(s)$ is simply a Dirac's $\delta$ function (scaled by $m$). The color intensity indicates the value of the function $f_\mathrm{bank}$ at that location, whereas the circles indicates the locations $s$ of the words. The two meanings of bank are naturally separated with FIRE. Figure (right): overlapped semantic fields of river and financial, and their locations $s$. The shape resembles that of bank in the image above, indicating FIRE's property of compositionality.

Environment preparation

  • Python >= 3.7

  • Packages

    # With CUDA 11 
    $ pip install -r requirements-cu11.txt
    # With CUDA 10
    $ pip install -r requirements-cu10.txt
  • NLTK You may need to download the NTLK punkt package. To do that, please run python and execute the following:

    >>> import nltk
  • If you are using Windows or MacOS, you need to install the Rust compiling toolchain (cargo) in advance, which is used to compile the corpusit package from source.

Evaluating pre-trained FIRE word representations

1. Download pre-trained models

We provide the following pre-trained FIRE models:

You can run the following to download the three.

$ bash scripts/benchmark/

The models will be downloaded to checkpoints/ and decompressed.

The saved models can be reloaded by

import torch
model = torch.load('checkpoints/wacky_mlplanardiv_d2_l4_k10')

2. Run benchmarks

Execute the benchmarking script as follows:

$ bash scripts/benchmark/

Training FIRE

Configuring WanDB accounts

We integrated WanDB functionalities in the training program for experiment management and visualization. So by default, you need to do the following three steps to enable those functionalities:

  • Create from the template
  • Register an WanDB account
  • Fill in your username (WANDB_ENTITY) and token (WANDB_API_KEY) in

If you do not plan to use WanDB, you will have to delete the argument --use_wandb in scripts/text8/ and scripts/wacky/

Training FIRE on Text8

We provide scripts in /scripts/text8/ to train a FIRE model on the text8 dataset. Text8 is smaller (~100MB) and is publicly available.

# download the text8 corpus
$ bash scripts/text8/

# tokenize the corpus with the NLTK tokenizer
$ bash scripts/text8/

# build a vocabulary with the tokenized corpus
$ bash scripts/text8/

# training from scratch
$ bash scripts/text8/
# This would takes 2-3 hours, so it is recommended to run the process in the background.
# For example:
# $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup bash scripts/text8/ > log.train.wacky.log 2>&1 &

The training process is carried out with the SkipGram method. For fast sampling from the tokenized corpus in the SkipGram way, we used another python package corpusit that is written in Rust (and binded with PyO3). On Windows or MacOS, installing corpusit with pip will compile the package from source code; in this case, you need to have cargo installed in advance.


The WaCKy corpus is a concatenation of two corpora ukWaC and WaCkypedia_EN. Both are provided at via request.

After you get the two corpora, put the concatenated file at /data/corpus/wacky/wacky.txt. Then, you can run scripts under /scripts/wacky/ (for tokenization, vocabulary construction, and training) to start training a FIRE on the concatenated corpus. The process takes 10-20 hours depending on the hardware.

Parallelized neural networks

A challenge for implementing FIRE is to parallize the evaluation of (neural-network) functions $f$, especially when each function has its own input.

The usual way of using a neural network NN is to process a data batch at a time, that is the parallelization of $\text{NN}(x_1)$, $\text{NN}(x_2)$... Recent advances in deep learning packages provide a new paradigm to parallelize the computation of $\text{NN}_1(x)$, $\text{NN}_2(x)$... such as the vmap method in JAX and PyTorch.

In FIRE-based language models, we instead require the parallelization of both neural networks and data. The desired behaviors should include:

  • paired mode: output a vector.

    • $\text{NN}_1(x_1)$, $\text{NN}_2(x_2)$, $\text{NN}_3(x_3)$...

    In analog to element-wise multiplication $\text{NN}*x$, where $\text{NN}=[\text{NN}_1,\text{NN}_2,\cdots,]^\text{T}$, and $x=[x_1,x_2,\cdots]^\text{T}$

  • cross mode: output a matrix.

    • $\text{NN}_1(x_1)$, $\text{NN}_1(x_2)$, $\text{NN}_1(x_3)$...
    • $\text{NN}_2(x_1)$, $\text{NN}_2(x_2)$, $\text{NN}_2(x_3)$...
    • $\text{NN}_3(x_1)$, $\text{NN}_3(x_2)$, $\text{NN}_3(x_3)$...
    • $\cdots$

    In analog to matrix multiplication of vectors: $\text{NN}$ @ $x$.

We call $\text{NN}=[\text{NN}_1,\text{NN}_2,\cdots,\text{NN}_n]$ a stacked function.

To store the parameters for all words, $n$ is equal to the size of vocabulary. Each time when we want the representation for a subset of all words, slicing is required to extract the parameters for these words and recombine them into a new stacked function.

Words as vectors

For word-vector representations, slicing is natively supported for the matrix $V\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times D}$ whose rows are word vectors. The computation of the paired similarity is a batched inner product, and that of the cross similarity is simply a matrix multiplication. For example:

  • Slicing:
    vecs1 = V[[id_apple, id_pear, ...]]      # (n1, D)
    vecs2 = V[[id_iphone, id_fruit, ...]]    # (n2, D)
  • Computation of paired similarity (where n1 == n2 must hold):
    sim = (vecs1 * vecs2).sum(-1)            # (n1,)
  • Computation of cross similarity (n1 and n2 can be different):
    sim = vecs1 @ vecs2.T                    # (n1, n2)

FIRE: neural network as a "vector"

In this repository, we provide an analogous implementation for parallelizing neural networks. In FIRE, each neural network (a function or a measure) is treated like a vector. Multiple neural networks are stacked like the stacking of vectors into a matrix.

In FIRE, the slicing and similarity computation are done in a similar way to vectoral.

  • Slicing:
    funcs1, measures1 = model[["apple", "pear", ...]]       # (n1, D)
    funcs2, measures2 = model[["iphone", "fruit", ...]]     # (n1, D)
  • Computation of paired similarity (where n1 == n2):
    sim = measures2.integral(funcs1)    # (n1,)
        + measures1.integral(funcs2)    # (n2,)
  • Computation of cross similarity:
    sim = measures2.integral(funcs1, cross=True)    # (n1, n2)
        + measures1.integral(funcs2, cross=True).T  # (n2, n1) -> transpose -> (n1, n2)

In addition to the way above where integral must be explicitly invoked, a more friendly way is also provided, as below:

# paired similarity
# sim: (n1,)
sim = (funcs1 * measures2)       # (n1, K)    where K is the number of locations in the measure
    + (measures1 * funcs2)       # (n2, K)

# cross similarity
sim = funcs1 @ measures2 + measures1 @ funcs2     # (n1, n2)

Furthermore, the two steps above can be done in one line:

sim = model[["apple", "pear", "melon"]] @ model[["iphone", "fruit"]]     # (3, 2)

# which is equivalent to below:
# slice1 = model[["apple", "pear", "melon"]]
# slice2 = model[["iphone", "fruit"]]
# funcs1, measures1 = slice1
# funcs2, measures2 = slice2
# sim = measures2.integral(funcs1, cross=True) + measures1.integral(funcs2, cross=True).T

Combination of functions via arithmetics

For the functions in a FIRE, we implemented arithmetic operators to make the (stacked) functions look more like a vector.

For example, the regularization of the similarity scores by the following formula

$$ \text{sim}(w_i,w_j) \leftarrow \text{sim}(w_i,w_j) - \int f_i ~\mathrm{d}\mu_i - \int f_j ~\mathrm{d}\mu_j, $$

is done by:

funcs1, measures1 = [["apple", "pear"]]
funcs2, measures2 = [["fruit", "iphone"]]
sim_reg = measures2.integral(funcs1) + measures1.integral(funcs2) \
        - measures1.integral(funcs1) - measures2.integral(funcs2)

or equivalently:

sim_reg = ((funcs2 - funcs1) * measures1 + (funcs1 - funcs2) * measures2).sum(-1)

where funcs2 - funcs1 produces a new functional.


Please cite the following paper:

  title={Semantic Field of Words Represented as Non-Linear Functions},
  author={Xin Du and Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii},
  booktitle={Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},


FIeld REpresentation (FIRE) of Language







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