Just a hacky d3 demo choropleth. A long way from production quality!
e.g. from ONS geo portal
mapshaper -i districts.geojson \
-proj from=EPSG:27700 crs=EPSG:4326 \
-simplify 1% \
-o precision=0.0001 format=geojson mapshaped-districts.geojson
e.g. From NOMIS:
e.g Jobseeker's Allowance by age and duration
You'll need to run this on a webserver for it to work. e.g. python3 -m http.server
- The code isn't very idiomatic d3: just proving the concept.
- Doesn't consider different binning strategies - this is just hardcoded with little thought for now.
- Map needs a legend / title
- Doesn't consider printing to PDF yet.
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0