Now you can convert your PowerPoint presentations into videos, allowing you to review the content at twice the speed for maximum productivity.
- PPT files must be in the pptx format and have unencrypted narration.
- Compatible with Windows 10 and Office versions higher than 2010.
- Organize all the PPT files you wish to convert into the designated "ppt" folder.
- Launch the "main.exe" program and follow the instructions to specify the desired resolution.
- The resulting videos will be automatically saved in the convenient "video" folder.
- Introduce multi-threading capabilities to accelerate further the conversion process (currently, even the powerful 8550u integrated graphics and CPU are not fully utilized).
- Explore alternative methods for audio extraction from PPT files, enabling direct integration with video, and eliminating the need for PowerPoint backend calls.
- Develop a user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) to enhance the overall experience (please note that GUI development is not currently supported).
Tencent Weiyun: