Possible unintentional functionality with "formatless" strings #3623
Bungeecord version
BungeeCord-Proxy 1.20-R0.3-SNAPSHOT ( build 1800)
Server version
No response
Client version
1.8, 1.20.2
Bungeecord plugins
The bug
Not sure if this is intended behavior, but if we readBaseComponent a String which has no format (example: 'asdasd'), the string will be given a default white color.
Upon being converted back to legacy text through toLegacyText(), the string will now contain the white format symbols at the beginning of the string therefor incrementing it's original length by 2
I managed to "fix" this by simply adding this check to verify the component actually has a set color:
void addFormat(StringBuilder builder)
if (!(!style.hasColor() && parent == null))
At BaseComponent's addFormat function
Log output (links)
No response
- I am using BungeeCord and not a fork. Issues with forks should not be reported here.
- I think this is not an issue with a bungeecord plugin.
- I have not read these checkboxes and therefore I just ticked them all.
- This is not a question or plugin creation help request.
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