Bungeecord version
git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.20-R0.2-SNAPSHOT:1ef4d27:1754 by md_5
Server version
git-Purpur-1858 (MC: 1.19.2)*
Client version
Bungeecord plugins
The bug
Players see the typical world loading screen and are quickly disconnected and reconnected to the server for no reason.
01:26:29 [WARNING] [El_Tukko] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [Roleplay] - bad packet, are mods in use!? Packet GAME:TO_CLIENT/55 (PlayerListItem) larger than expected, extra bytes: 908
01:26:29 [INFO] [El_Tukko] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [Roleplay] has disconnected
01:26:29 [INFO] [El_Tukko] <-> ServerConnector [Registro] has connected
01:26:29 [INFO] [El_Tukko] <-> ServerConnector [Roleplay] has connected
01:26:29 [INFO] [El_Tukko] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [Registro] has disconnected
01:26:34 [INFO] [ExecuteEverywhere] Dispatching /skin update IamBowieLK
Log output (links)
No response
- I am using BungeeCord and not a fork. Issues with forks should not be reported here.
- I think this is not an issue with a bungeecord plugin.
- I have not read these checkboxes and therefore I just ticked them all.
- This is not a question or plugin creation help request.