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Genelec Smart IP SIMPL+ Modules and Simpl Sharp Pro libraries

Developed by Niklas Olsson - JaDeVa AB

How to download the SIMPL+ modules and SIMPL Demo program

  1. Press the green Clone or download button in the top right, and select Download ZIP
  2. Open up the file and open the SIMPL directory.
  3. Use the


This repository contains

  • SIMPL+ module
    • Genelec_Speaker_x.x.x_SE - Module to control Genelec Speakers
  • SimplSharp (C#) solution containing projects for both SIMPL+ modules and Simpl Sharp Pro
    • Specialelektronik.Products.Genelec.SmartIp
      • This project contains the library for controlling Genelec Speakers utilizing the Smart IP protocol.
    • Specialelektronik.Products.Genelec.Test
      • This is a S#Pro Demo program. Load this program to your processor and use the Xpanel Genelec_Speaker_Xpanel.vtp to test the libraries.
    • Genelec_Speaker_CSharp
      • This project contains wrapper classes that is used for the SIMPL+ modules.
  • SIMPL Windows Demo program
  • VTPro-E project to be used with both Simpl Sharp Pro and SIMPL Windows demo programs.
  • Documentation for all SIMPL+ modules, as well as this README as a PDF

This readme is mainly focused on information on how to use Specialelektronik.Products.Genelec.SmartIp.GenelecSpeaker.


You need to add the following reference to you project


Important notes and Known issues

  • If you have Genelec's Smart IP Manager open at the same time as the processor is controlling the speaker things might not work as it should. Some things we've noticed
    • If the processor sets the speaker to standby, it wakes up again after a couple of seconds.
    • The speaker shows up as offline in Smart Ip Manager.

Getting started

  • Clone the repository.
  • Open the solution in the SIMPL SHARP directory.
  • Build the solution.

Start up your S#Pro project and do the following:

  • Add references to the dependencies shown in the Dependencies section of this readme.
  • Add a reference to Specialelektronik.Products.Genelec.SmartIp.dll that you built in the steps above.
  • The namespace for the library is Specialelektronik.Products.Genelec.SmartIp.

Genelec Speaker

Class name: GenelecSpeaker

This class integrates with Genelec speakers utilizing the Smart IP protocol. Testing has been performed on a Genelec 4430A.


// Instantiate the speaker
var device = new GenelecSpeaker("");

// Subscribe to events
device.Events += new EventHandler<GenelecSpeakerEventArgs>(_device_Events);

// Start polling

void _speaker_Events(object sender, GenelecSpeakerEventArgs e)
    switch (e.EventType)
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.Responding:
            bool responding = e.BoolValue;
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.LevelDb:
            double levelDb = e.DoubleValue; // A value between -130.0 and 0.0
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.LevelPercent:
            double levelPercent = e.DoubleValue; // A value between 0.0 and 1.0
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.Mute:
            bool mute = e.BoolValue;
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.DeviceInfo:
            string model        = e.DeviceInfo.Model;
            string firmwareId   = e.DeviceInfo.FirmwareId;
            string build        = e.DeviceInfo.Build;
            string baseId       = e.DeviceInfo.BaseId;
            string hardwareId   = e.DeviceInfo.HardwareId;
            string category     = e.DeviceInfo.Category;
            string technology   = e.DeviceInfo.Technology;
            string apiVersion   = e.DeviceInfo.ApiVersion;
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.PowerState:
            eGenelecSpeakerPowerState powerState = e.PowerState;
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.Poe15W:
            bool poe15w = e.BoolValue;
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.AllocatedPower:
            double allocatedPower = e.DoubleValue;
        case GenelecSpeakerEventArgs.eEventType.Profile:
            int profile = e.IntValue; // A value between 0 and 5


  • GenelecSpeaker(string ip) - Uses default port 9000, username admin and password admin.
  • GenelecSpeaker(string ip, string username, string password) - Uses default port 9000.
  • GenelecSpeaker(string ip, int port, string username, string password) - ip can be either the ip address or hostname of the device to control.


  • CustomGet(string url) - Makes it possible to send custom commands to the device. This is a GET-request. Url example: public/v1/audio/volume. It returns with the response from the device.
  • CustomSet(string url, string body) - Makes it possible to send custom commands to the device. This is a PUT-request. Url example: public/v1/audio/volume, body example: {"level":-20.5}. Returns true if the command was accepted.
  • Dispose() - Used to clean up timers and connections. This must be called when your program stops.
  • PollDeviceInfo() - This polls the device for information about the device such as Model and Firmware. When the device has responded, Events will be called with eEventType.DeviceInfo.
  • PollPowerAndAudio() - This polls the device for the following properies: PowerState, AllocatedPower, Poe15W, LevelDb, LevelPercent and Mute. This is the same poll as StartPolling() does. When the device has responded, Events will be called with the new data.
  • SetProfile(int profile, bool loadOnStartup) - Restore profile from flash and set it as an active profile. profile can be a value between 0 and 5. If loadOnStartup is true, that profile will be loaded after a power reset.
  • StartPolling() - Starts polling for Power and Audio. The poll rate can be set with PollRateMs, but defaults to 5000 ms. This polls the same as PollPowerAndAudio().
  • StopPolling() - Stops polling the device.


  • AllocatedPower - Gets the power allocated by PoE PSE (switch). Use PollPowerAndAudio() or StartPolling() to update this property.
  • Debug - Enables debugging messages to console.
  • DeviceInfo - The last polled information about the device. Use PollDeviceInfo() to update this property.
    • ApiVersion - API version. Example: v1
    • BaseId - Platform software version number in format major.minor.rev. Example: 1.0.0
    • Build - Committed GIT revision number. -modif means that uncommitted source code is used when creating firmware. Example: c5ca14
    • Category - Category. Example: SAM_2WAY
    • ConfirmFirmwareUpdate - New firmware is running and waiting for confirmation from user. Bootloader reverts backup firmware during next reboot if confirmation is not done.
    • FirmwareId - Firmware identification number in format model_base-major.minor.revbuild_date_and_time. Example: 44x0-1.1.11-202007021238
    • HardwareId - Hardware version string.
    • Model - Device model name. Example: 4430
    • Technology - Technology. Example: SAM_IP
    • UpgradeId - Compability information for upgrading firmware
  • Ip - The IP address or Hostname of the device to control.
  • IsResponding - Returns true if the device responded to the last command.
  • LevelDb - Get or set the volume level in Db. Range -130.0 to 0.0
  • LevelPercent - Get or set the volume level in percentage. Range 0.0 - 1.0
  • Mute - Get or set the mute state.
  • Password - The password of the device. Default: admin
  • Poe15W - Returns true if PoE PD (loudspeaker) limits current consumption to 15W. Returns false if full power is needed (30W). Use PollPowerAndAudio() or StartPolling() to update this property.
  • PollRateMs - This sets how often the device will be polled when using StartPolling(). Default: 5000 (ms)
  • Port - The port number to connect to. Default: 9000
  • PowerState - Get or set the power state. You can only set it to Active, Standby or Boot. Boot will reboot the speaker.
  • Username - The username of the device. Default: admin


  • Events - This will trig when any of the properties change. The event args contains:
    • EventType - An enum telling you which property changed.
    • BoolValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types Responding, Mute and Poe15W.
    • DeviceInfo - Contains the new value of the property for event type DeviceInfo.
    • DoubleValue - Contains the new value of the property for event types LevelDb, LevelPercent and AllocatedPower.
    • IntValue - Contains the new value of the property for event type Profile.
    • PowerState - Contains the new value of the property for event type PowerState.

Release notes

1.0.0 (Initial version)

  • Supports Genelec Speakers utilizing the Smart IP protocol (GenelecSpeaker)


Crestron module for Genelec Smart IP speakers







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