high-quality color-blind filter function
Interpolates any RGB color (16,777,216 of them) from up to 8 data-points of the Rigden websafe colorblind table. Christine Rigden compiled the data by hand through testing of actual color-blind people. The results seem better than the Daltonize algorithmic process.
input a full-color RGB value it returns a color-blind simulation for protan, deutan, and/or tritan color-blind people.
It is a plugin for my RGB_Calc class, and requires that:
see a demo of the conversion quality at
When tyring the demo above, you can switch and make comparisons between this Rigden-colorblind-interpolated filter and the "old standard" Wickline-algorithmic-filter in the main "options" pulldown found in the upper-right corner of MasterColorPicker.
Note the websafe-interpolator function can support any dataset. The Rigden colorblind data is implicitly included.