This repository contains dataset and codes for predicting subframes in text. The approach is describe in the following paper.
The annotated tweet dataset can be found in the 'annotated_dataset' folder. The folder contains separate json files for each of the Moral Foundations. Upon parsing the json files a dictionary of the following format can be found.
'annotations': ...,
'author-label': ...,
'dop': ...,
'issue': ...,
'text': ...
tweet_id : Actual tweet id
annotations : Character indexed annotation by each of the annotators
author-label : Political affiliation of the author of the tweet (Republican or Democrat)
dop : Date of Publication
issue : Topic of the tweet
text : tweet text
The 'dataset_description.txt' file contains more information about the data files. Note that, we cannot release the tweet texts because of Twitter Privacy Policy. The tweet text can be parsed using the tweet_ids provided in the json files. If you need those immediately or require any help in parsing feel free to send an e-mail to .
Coming soon. Please send an e-mail to for emergency cases.
If you find the dataset and approach helpful in your work, please cite the paper.
title={Identifying Morality Frames in Political Tweets using Relational Learning},
author={Roy, Shamik and Pacheco, Mar{\'\i}a Leonor and Goldwasser, Dan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},