TagpackerSpammer is a software written in Python 3. Its goal is to spam the website tagpacker.com.
Adjust the accounts in the TagpackerSpammer.py file.
The api keys can be taken from tagpacker.com --> Settings --> Account --> API access.
The api key is something like abcawe8gzwf:wgfzwbzf-sdfgsfbsd where the first part is the user id.
In this case we would write:
accounts = [["abcawe8gzwf", "abcawe8gzwf:wgfzwbzf-sdfgsfbsd"]]
Execute the script via:
python TagpackerSpammer.py
Python 3.x
pip install json
pip install requests
and adjust the execution rights:
chmod +x TagpackerSpammer.py
crontab -e
sudo crontab -e
Add the following line (With replacing the pathtofile of course) to run the script every minute:
* * * * * /usr/bin/python /pathtofile/TagpackerSpammer.py
Only 20 requests per api key per minute are allowed!!!
See the Changelog.