Wrap WebView as a network-spider program.
Install the app on your Android device, This app support >= Android 4.4.
It looks like below after you installed and launched:
Then we use http protocol to communicate with it. I use python's requests to demonstrate.
Let us fetch news from Nature.
import json
import requests
f = """
function () {
var a = document.querySelectorAll('.c-card__copy');
var ans = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var child = a[i];
var t = function (s) {
try {
var r = child.querySelector(s).innerText.trim();
if (r) {
if (r[r.length - 1] === '.') {
return r + ' ';
} else {
return r + '. ';
} else {
return '';
} catch (e) {
return '';
ans.push('' + t('.c-card__article-type') + t('.c-card__title') + t('.c-card__standfirst'));
return JSON.stringify(ans);
address = '' # using your phone IP
rsp = requests.post(address, data=json.dumps({
"pageId": "1", # unique id defined by you, arbitrary text, each requestUrl using a pageId
"requestUrl": "https://www.nature.com/news",
"needRefresh": "", # indicate does the page need refresh, if yes just fill up with any text, if not just hold it empty
"finishLoadTag": ".c-card__copy", # CSS selector indicate the page has loaded over
"function": f, # the function used to fetch data you needed
"asyncWay": "", # indicate does the function need execute as asynchronized way, there is not
"waitTimeAfterPageLoad": "",
"retryTimes": "3" # if function's execution failed, indicate how many times will retry, just type a number
}), timeout=20)
print('you fetched data printed below: ')
print(rsp.text[0: 300] + '...')
you fetched data printed below:
["news. Did physicists create a wormhole in a quantum computer?. An unusual teleportation experiment is just ordinary quantum physics, but was inspired by tunnels through an exotic ‘toy universe’. ","Heralded Alzheimer’s drug works — but safety concerns loom. Eisai and Biogen share clinical trial da...
It means some page you need to loopily check is the data loaded, such as you are waiting for a translation to be finished.
There have a demonstration:
import json
import requests
f = """
function () {
if(count === 0){ // count is a built-in variable, it indicate the times runed of function
// do something just run once
// the left code will loopily run
if("your condition reached"){
return "the data you need"
address = 'http://your_phone_ip:8112/spider'
rsp = requests.post(address, data=json.dumps({
"pageId": "1",
"requestUrl": "https://example.com",
"finishLoadTag": "#CSS_Tag",
"function": f,
"asyncWay": "1", # means will use asyncWay
}), timeout=20)