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A chat-app similar to (Forums) where registered students can message and chat.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

MainActivity Notes


  • MainActivity serves as the main entry point of the application.
  • It handles user authentication, navigation between different fragments, and SharedPreferences management for storing user information and authentication tokens.

onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Method called when the activity is first created.
  • Sets the content view to activity_main layout.
  • Checks if the user is already authenticated by checking if their token exists in SharedPreferences.
    • If authenticated, replaces the container view with PostsFragment.
    • If not authenticated, replaces the container view with LoginFragment.


  • Navigates to SignUpFragment by replacing the container view.

authCompleted(AuthResponse authResponse)

  • Saves user information and authentication token to SharedPreferences after successful authentication.
  • Replaces the container view with PostsFragment after authentication.


  • Navigates to LoginFragment by replacing the container view.


  • Deletes user information and authentication token from SharedPreferences upon logout.
  • Navigates to LoginFragment after logout and adds the transaction to the back stack.
  • Logs a debug message indicating SharedPreferences deletion.


  • Navigates to CreatePostFragment by replacing the container view and adding the transaction to the back stack.


  • Pops the back stack to return to the previous fragment (PostsFragment).


  • Checks if the user is authenticated by retrieving token and user information from SharedPreferences.
  • Returns true if token and user information are present, indicating the user is authenticated.

LoginFragment Notes


  • LoginFragment handles user login functionality by sending HTTP requests to the server's /login API endpoint.
  • It also includes UI elements for entering email and password, as well as buttons for logging in and creating a new account.

onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Inflates the layout for this fragment using data binding.

onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Sets up click listeners for the login and create new account buttons.
  • Sets the title of the activity to the login label.

Login(String email, String password)

  • Makes an asynchronous HTTP POST request to the server's /login API endpoint with the provided email and password.
  • Handles the response from the server, parsing JSON data to create an AuthResponse object upon successful login.
  • Shows toast messages on the UI thread to inform the user about the success or failure of the login attempt.

ShowToastOnUIThread(String msg)

  • Displays a toast message on the UI thread.

onAttach(@NonNull Context context)

  • Attaches the LoginListener interface to the hosting activity to communicate events back to MainActivity.


  • Defines the LoginListener interface with methods for creating a new account and completing the authentication process.  

SignUpFragment Notes


  • SignUpFragment facilitates user registration by sending HTTP POST requests to the server's /signup API endpoint.
  • It includes UI elements for entering user information such as name, email, and password.

onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Inflates the layout for this fragment using data binding.

onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Sets up click listeners for the cancel and signup buttons.
  • Sets the title of the activity to the create account label.

SingUp(String name, String email, String password)

  • Makes an asynchronous HTTP POST request to the server's /signup API endpoint with the provided user information.
  • Handles the response from the server, parsing JSON data to create an AuthResponse object upon successful user registration.
  • Shows toast messages on the UI thread to inform the user about the success or failure of the registration attempt.

ShowToastOnUIThread(String msg)

  • Displays a toast message on the UI thread.

onAttach(@NonNull Context context)

  • Attaches the SignUpListener interface to the hosting activity to communicate events back to MainActivity.


  • Defines the SignUpListener interface with methods for navigating to the login screen and completing the authentication process.  

PostsFragment Notes


  • PostsFragment displays a list of posts fetched from the server's /posts API endpoint.
  • It allows users to view posts, navigate between pages of posts, create new posts, and delete their own posts.

onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Inflates the layout for this fragment using data binding.

onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Sets up UI components, such as buttons and RecyclerView, and initializes adapter and layout manager.
  • Fetches user token from SharedPreferences and updates UI with user's name.
  • Sets click listeners for buttons to handle creating new posts, logging out, and navigating between pages of posts.
  • Initiates the first request to fetch posts upon fragment creation.

GetPosts(String pageToFetch, String token)

  • Makes an asynchronous HTTP GET request to the server's /posts API endpoint with the page number and user token as parameters (& header for authentication).
  • Handles the response from the server, parses JSON data to create Post objects, and updates the UI with the retrieved posts.

SetTotalPages(double pageCount)

  • Calculates and sets the total number of pages of posts to be displayed based on the total post count.


  • Manages the RecyclerView for displaying posts.
  • Implements onCreateViewHolder(), onBindViewHolder(), and getItemCount() methods for populating and updating the UI with posts.


  • Manages individual items in the RecyclerView.
  • Binds post data to UI elements and sets up click listener for deleting posts.

DeletePost(String postId, String token)

  • Makes an asynchronous HTTP POST request to the server's /posts/delete API endpoint with the post ID and user token as parameters.
  • Handles the response from the server and refreshes the list of posts if the deletion is successful.


  • Defines the PostsListener interface with methods for logging out and creating new posts.  

CreatePostFragment Notes


  • CreatePostFragment allows users to create new posts by sending HTTP POST requests to the server's /posts/create API endpoint.
  • It includes UI elements for entering the text of the post and buttons for submitting or canceling the post creation.

onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Inflates the layout for this fragment using data binding.

onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)

  • Sets up UI components and click listeners for the cancel and submit buttons.
  • Sets the title of the activity to the create post label.

CreatePost(String postText)

  • Makes an asynchronous HTTP POST request to the server's /posts/create API endpoint with the post text and user token as parameters (& header for authentication).
  • Handles the response from the server, displaying toast messages to inform the user about the success or failure of the post creation.

ShowToastOnUIThreat(String msg)

  • Displays a toast message on the UI thread.


  • Defines the CreatePostListener interface with a method for navigating back to the posts fragment after post creation.  

Post Model Notes


  • The Post class represents a post object retrieved from the server's API.
  • It implements the Serializable interface to allow for serialization and passing between activities/fragments.
  • The class contains attributes representing various properties of a post, such as creator name, ID, text, creation timestamp, etc.


  • The constructor initializes a Post object using a JSON object received from the server's API response.
  • It extracts relevant data from the JSON object and assigns it to the corresponding attributes of the Post object.

Getter Methods

  • Provides getter methods for accessing the attributes of the Post object.

toString() Method

  • Overrides the toString() method to provide a string representation of the Post object for debugging purposes.  

AuthResponse Model Notes


  • The AuthResponse class represents the response received from the server upon successful authentication or login.
  • It contains attributes for user ID, user full name, and authentication token.


  1. Default Constructor: Initializes an empty AuthResponse object.
  2. Parameterized Constructor: Initializes an AuthResponse object using a JSON object received from the server's API response.
    • Extracts user ID, user full name, and token from the JSON object and assigns them to the corresponding attributes of the AuthResponse object.

Getter and Setter Methods

  • Provides getter and setter methods for accessing and modifying the attributes of the AuthResponse object.

toString() Method

  • Overrides the toString() method to provide a string representation of the AuthResponse object for debugging purposes.

All APIs Tested Using Postman


A chat-app similar to (Forums) where registered students can message and chat.







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