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StackRox Database migration

Purpose of database migrations

When changing the data model for stored objects, data conversions may be required. All migrations are in the migrations subdirectory.

Migrations are organized with sequence numbers and executed in sequence. Each migration is provided with a pointer to types.Databases where the pointed object contains all necessary database instances, including Bolt, RocksDB, Postgres and GormDB (datamodel for postgres). Depending on the version a migration is operating on, some database instances may be nil.

A migration can read from any of the databases, make changes to the data or to the datamodel (database schema when working with postgres), then persist these changes to the database.

History of the datastores

  1. Before release 3.73, the migrator was targeting internal key-value stores BoltDB and RocksDB.

    All migrations were of the form m_{currentDBVersion}_to_m_{currentDBVersion+1}_{summary_of_migrations} .

  2. Release 3.73 and 3.74 brought the database Postgres as Technical preview. This had the consequence that Postgres was a new potential datastore targeted by the migrator.

    In these versions, two sets of data migrations were possible: key-value store migrations, and data move migrations (from BoltDB and RocksDB to Postgres). The migration sequence is the following: first all key-value data migrations are applied, then all data move migrations are applied.

    • Key-value store data migrations have the form m_{currentDBVersion}_to_m_{currentDBVersion+1}_{summary_of_migrations} .
    • Data move migrations have the form n_{postgresSchemaVersion}_to_n_{postgresSchemaVersion+1}_{moved_data_type} .
  3. After 4.0, the key-value stores are deprecated and Postgres becomes the only data store.

    The migration returns to the old scheme, restarting from the database version after all data moves to Postgres.

    All migrations again have the form m_{currentDBVersion}_to_m_{currentDBVersion+1}_{summary_of_migrations}.

  4. Starting in 4.2, all migrations MUST be backwards compatible, at least while previous releases are supported.

    Rollbacks from 4.2 to 4.1 will NO LONGER use the central_previous database. These rollbacks will use central_active and as such all schema changes and migrations must be backwards compatible. This means no destructive changes like deleting columns or fields and ensuring that any data changes either work with previous versions or occur within a new field. When a breaking change is made the MinimumSupportedDBVersionSeqNum will need to be updated to the minimum database version that will work with the breaking change.

How to write new migration script

Script should correspond to single change. Script should be part of the same release as this change. Here are the steps to write migration script:

  1. Lookup the current database version (CurrentDBVersionSeqNum) in pkg/migrations/internal/seq_num.go file.

    The selected variable will be referred to as currentDBVersion in the next steps.

  2. Under migrations folder create new folder with name m_{currentDBVersion}_to_m_{currentDBVersion+1}_{summary_of_migration}

    1. Ensure that the summary_of_migration follows the naming convention of previous migrations, i.e., postfix _policy if it modifies policies
  3. Create at least two files: migration.go and migration_test.go. These files should belong to package m{currentDBVersion}tom{currentDBVersion+1}

  4. The migration.go file should contain at least the following elements:

    import (
       // If needed for the sequence number management.
       pkgMigrations ""
    var (
       startSeqNum = {curentDBVersion}
       migration = types.Migration{
           StartingSeqNum: startSeqNum,
           VersionAfter: startSeqNum+1,
           Run: func(database *types.Databases) error {
               // Migration code ..
    func init() {
    // Additional code to support the migration code
  5. Add to migrator/runner/all.go line

    _ "{currentDBVersion}_to_m_{currentDBVersion+1}_{summary_of_migration}"
  6. Increment the CurrentDBVersionSeqNum sequence number variable used from pkg/migrations/internal/seq_num.go by one.

  7. Determine if this change breaks a previous releases database. If so increment the MinimumSupportedDBVersionSeqNum to the CurrentDBVersionSeqNum of the release immediately following the release that cannot tolerate the change. For example, in 4.2 a column column_v2 is added to replace the column_v1 column in 4.1. All the code from 4.2 onward will not reference column_v1. At some point in the future a rollback to 4.1 will not longer be supported and we want to remove column_v1. To do so, we will upgrade the schema to remove the column and update the MinimumSupportedDBVersionSeqNum to be the value of CurrentDBVersionSeqNum in 4.2 as 4.1 will no longer be supported. The migration process will inform the user of an error when trying to migrate to a software version that can no longer be supported by the database.

  8. To better understand how to write the migration.go and migration_test.go files, look at existing examples in migrations directory, or at the examples listed below.

    Avoid depending on code that might change in the future as migration should produce consistent results.

How to test migration on locally deployed cluster

  1. Create PR with migration files to build image in CI

  2. Checkout before commit with migration files and make clean image

  3. export STORAGE=pvc

  4. teardown && ./deploy/k8s/

  5. ./scripts/k8s/

  6. Create all necessary testing data via central UI and REST endpoints

  7. Checkout at the same commit your PR currently pointing to

  8. kubectl -n stackrox set image deploy/central central=stackrox/main:$(make tag)

  9. You can ensure migration script was executed by looking into Central logs. You should see next log messages:

    Migrator: <timestamp> log.go:18: Info: Found DB at version <currentDBVersion>, which is less than what we expect (<currentDBVersion+1>). Running migrations...
    Migrator: <timestamp> log.go:18: Info: Successfully updated DB from version <currentDBVersion> to <currentDBVersion+1>
  10. Re-run ./scripts/k8s/

  11. Verify that migration worked correctly

Writing postgres migration tests

Migrator limitations

Migrator upgrades the data from a previous datamodel to the current one. In the case of data manipulation migrations, the previous and current datamodels can be identical. Now the previous and current datamodels can differ. When loading data, the migrator needs to access the legacy schema. Each migration may apply a different schema change, therefore the current datastore or schema code cannot be used.

Each migration is responsible for looking into the databases (there can be multiple ones) it needs to load the data it manipulates and for converting it.

Possible migration steps

Freeze current schema as needed.

A migration shall not access current schema under pkg/postgres/schema. The migration access data in the format of its creation time and bring the format of the next migration. It is associated with a specific sequence number(aka version) and hence it does not evolve with the latest version. The frozen schema helps to keep migration separated from Central and keep the codes of migrations stable.

To freeze a schema, you can use the following tool to generate a frozen schema, make sure use the exact same parameters to generate current schema which can be find in each Postgres store.

pg-schema-migration-helper --type=<prototype> --search-category ...

This tool also generates conversion tools for schema, you may remove the

Create or upgrade the schema of a table.

For the initial data push to postgres, the generated schemas under migrator/migrations/frozenschema/v73 were used. The auto-generation scripts are removed so the schemas are frozen after 3.73.

In 3.74, snapshots of the schemas are taken with an on-demand basis.

Starting from release 4.0, we recommend to keep frozen schemas inside a new migration:

  • If the migration does not change the schema but need to access the data of a table, it needs to freeze its schema in the migration.
  • If the migration changes the schema of a table, it may need to freeze two versions of its schema before and after the schema change.

If your new migration need to change the Postgres schema, use the following statement to apply frozen schema in a migration.

pgutils.CreateTableFromModel(context.Background(), gormDB, frozenSchema.CreateTableCollectionsStmt)

Access data

Migration can access the legacy and Postgres databases but it does not have access to the central datastores. In migrator, there are a multiple ways to access data.

  1. Raw SQL commands

    Raw SQL commands are always available to databases and it has good isolation from current release. It is used frequently in migrations before Postgres. Migrations with raw SQL command needs less maintenance but it may not be convenient and it could be error-prone. We try to provide more convenient way to read and update the data.

  2. Gorm

    Use Gorm to read small amount data. Gorm is light-weighted and comprehensive ORM allowing accessing databases in an object oriented way. You may have partial data access by trimming the gorm model. Check the details how to use Gorm.

    For example, to get all the image id and operating system from the image table, a Gorm model is needed first. As not all data is needed, a trimmed model can be used. All Gorm models can be read from pkg/postgres/schema, copied and trimmed.

    type imageIDAndOperatingSystem struct {
        ID                  string `gorm:"column:id;type:varchar;primaryKey"`
        ScanOperatingSystem string `gorm:"column:scan_operatingsystem;type:varchar"`

    The trimmed Gorm model can be used to read from database.

    imageTable := gormDB.Table(pkgSchema.ImagesSchema.Table).Model(pkgSchema.CreateTableImagesStmt.GormModel)
    var imageCount int64
    if err := imageTable.Count(&imageCount).Error; err != nil {
        return err
    imageBuf := make([]imageIDAndOs, 0, imageBatchSize)
    imageToOsMap := make(map[string]string, imageCount)
    result := imageTable.FindInBatches(&imageBuf, imageBatchSize, func(_ *gorm.DB, batch int) error {
        for _, sub := range imageBuf {
          imageToOsMap[sub.ID] = sub.ScanOperatingSystem
        return nil

    Most protobuf object fields are wrapped in the serialized field in Postgres tables. The fields from the Gorm model need to be deserialized/serialized to read/update the objects. In case a field has to be updated, the protobuf object has to be serialized. To address this issue, a tool is provided to convert a protobuf object to/from a Gorm model.

    type ClusterHealthStatuses struct {
        Id         string    `gorm:"column:id;type:varchar;primaryKey"`
        Serialized []byte    `gorm:"column:serialized;type:bytea"`
  3. Duplicate the Postgres Store This method is used in version 73 and 74 to migrate all tables from RocksDB to Postgres. In addition to frozen schema, the store to access the data are also frozen for migration. The migrations with this method are closely associated with current release eg. search/delete with schema and the prototypes of the objects. This method is NOT recommended for 4.0 and beyond.

Conversion tool

All tables in central store protobuf objects in serialized form. The serialized column needs to be updated with the other columns.

Doing the conversion for each migration is cumbersome and not convenient. A tool exists to generate the conversion functions. The conversion functions can be generated and then tailored to be used in the migrations.

The following shows an example of the conversion functions.

The tool is pg-schema-migration-helper, it can be used as follows.

pg-schema-migration-helper --type=storage.VulnerabilityRequest --search-category VULN_REQUEST

pg-schema-migration-helper uses the same elements as pg-table-bindings-wrapper (the code generator for the postgres stores in central). These elements are the protobuf types and search-categories. It uses these elements to generate the schema and conversion functions.

More examples with test protobuf objects are available in migrator/migrations/postgreshelper/schema

func convertVulnerabilityRequestFromProto(obj *storage.VulnerabilityRequest) (*schema.VulnerabilityRequests, error) {
        serialized, err := obj.Marshal()
        if err != nil {
                return nil, err
        model := &schema.VulnerabilityRequests{
                Id:                                obj.GetId(),
                TargetState:                       obj.GetTargetState(),
                Status:                            obj.GetStatus(),
                Expired:                           obj.GetExpired(),
                RequestorName:                     obj.GetRequestor().GetName(),
                CreatedAt:                         pgutils.NilOrTime(obj.GetCreatedAt()),
                LastUpdated:                       pgutils.NilOrTime(obj.GetLastUpdated()),
                DeferralReqExpiryExpiresWhenFixed: obj.GetDeferralReq().GetExpiry().GetExpiresWhenFixed(),
                DeferralReqExpiryExpiresOn:        pgutils.NilOrTime(obj.GetDeferralReq().GetExpiry().GetExpiresOn()),
                CvesIds:                           pq.Array(obj.GetCves().GetIds()).(*pq.StringArray),
                Serialized:                        serialized,
        return model, nil
func convertSlimUserFromProto(obj *storage.SlimUser, idx int, vulnerability_requests_Id string) (*schema.VulnerabilityRequestsApprovers, error) {
        model := &schema.VulnerabilityRequestsApprovers{
                VulnerabilityRequestsId: vulnerability_requests_Id,
                Idx:                     idx,
                Name:                    obj.GetName(),
        return model, nil
func convertRequestCommentFromProto(obj *storage.RequestComment, idx int, vulnerability_requests_Id string) (*schema.VulnerabilityRequestsComments, error) {
        model := &schema.VulnerabilityRequestsComments{
                VulnerabilityRequestsId: vulnerability_requests_Id,
                Idx:                     idx,
                UserName:                obj.GetUser().GetName(),
        return model, nil