An extension of exceljs to create an Excel(xlsx) file from a simple json.
npm install make-excel
converts Alphabets to Numbers Eg: 'BD' to 55
- @param {string} alpha
- @return {number}
Converts Number to Alphabets Eg: 55 to 'BD'
- @param {number} num
- @return {string}
Create and return workbook
- @return {Workbook}
const workbook = ExcelHelper.createWorkbook(); const worksheet = ExcelHelper.addWorksheet(workbook, 'Test1');
Adds a worksheet to the workbook with a given name
- @param {Workbook} workbook
- @param {string} name
- @return {Worksheet}
const worksheet = ExcelHelper.addWorksheet(workbook, 'Test1');
Get the next column to the current one Optional: Use the second argument to skip to a column n steps ahead of the given column
- @param {string} currentColumn
- @param {number} steps
- @return {string}
const nextColumn = getNextColumn('C'); //nextColumn = D const nextColumn = getNextColumn('F', 3); //nextColumn = I
Change or add a border to a cell TODO: Add a better addCellborder function.
- @param {Cell} cell
- @param {object} border
- @return {string}
const cell = worksheet.getCell('C3') addCellBorder(cell, { top: { style:thin } }) // would add a top border to a cell or overwrite it.
Create an outer border to a given range of cells. The start and the end objects should be of the following format { column:'B', row:'5' } The border width can be any of the following 'medium', 'thick', 'thin'
- @param {object} start
- @param {object} end
- @param {Worksheet} worksheet
- @param {string} borderWidth
const worksheet = ExcelHelper.addWorksheet(workbook, 'Test1'); createOuterBorder({ column:'B', row:'5' }, { column:'F', row:'19' }, worksheet,'medium') //will create a outer border along the edge of these range of cells
This function(createSheetFromArray) writes rows of data into a spreadsheet of an excel file. Each row in rows contains an array of cellData holding the value and properties of each cell. The function also takes start row, start column, worksheet you want to fill arguments. The Rows Object should have the following structure
[ [cellData1, cellData2,...], //single row [cellData1, cellData2,..., skipRows: number] //optional skipRows property ]
The skipRows attribute is used to skip a number of rows and continue writing from there. The object Cell Data that you can pass through should be of the form
cellData = { value, border: { top: { style:'thin/thick/medium' }, left: { style:'thin/thick/medium' }, bottom: { style:'thin/thick/medium' }, right: { style:'thin/thick/medium' } } font: { name: 'Arial', color: {argb: 'FF00FF00'}, size: 14, italic: true}, alignment: { vertical: 'top/bottom,', horizontal: 'left/center/right'}, fill: { type: 'pattern', pattern:'darkVertical', fgColor:{argb:'FFFF0000'} } //optional columnWidth: number, skipToColumn: column, columnOffset: column, mergeNumber: number }
- The columnWidth attribute is used to give width to the entire column of the cell.
- The skipToColumn attribute is used to skip to a pirtucular column and continue writing from there.
- The columnOffset attribute is used to shift the current column and continue writing from there.
- The mergerNumber attribute will merge the current cell till the number specified.
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.