You can find some examples from the grid-world in the notebooks folder.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To learn the constraints run:
python -m max_ent.examples.learn_hard_constraints
After learning, run the following to generate the reports (in ./reports/hard/
python -m max_ent.examples.compare_hard_results
To learn the constraints run:
python -m max_ent.examples.learn_soft_constraints
After learning, run the following to generate the reports (in ./reports/soft/
python -m max_ent.examples.compare_soft_results
To run the transfer learning experiments and generate the results use:
python -m max_ent.examples.transfer
The generated reports can be found in ./reports/transfer/
Run the notebook in ./notebooks/new_metrics.ipynb
Also, you can set learn = True
in ./max_ent/examples/
then run:
python -m max_ent.examples.orchestrator_exp
After that, set learn = False
and run the above command again.
The reports will be generated into ./reports/orchestrator/
This repository uses and modifies some codes from irl-maxent library.