Just drop the script on your page and your ready to deliver your pages in any language.
i18nextify uses virtual-dom to update your page with translations based on the current content. MutationObserver is used to trigger translations on newly added content.
i18nextify comes bundled with i18next.
Should play well with any static or dynamic page not using a own virtual-dom.
The easiest way for guaranteed success is using locizify on locize.com.
Drop the script on your page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/i18nextify.min.js"></script>
Request your page with querystring params ?debug=true&saveMissing
and open the browser console to see i18nextify in action. It will output all missing translations - start serving them from /locales/{{lng}}/translation.json
See the example for details.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/i18nextify.min.js"></script>
// defaults that are set
autorun: true, // setting to false init will return an object with start function
ele: document.body, // pass in another element if you like to translate another html element
ignoreTags: ['SCRIPT'], // tags to ignore
// per default not set
ignoreIds: ['ignoreMeId'],
ignoreClasses: ['ignoreMeClass'],
// attributes to translate
translateAttributes: ['placeholder', 'title', 'alt', 'value#input.type=button', 'value#input.type=submit'],
// merging content (eg. a tags in p tags)
mergeTags: [], // tags to merge innerHtml to one key
inlineTags: [], // tags to inline (eg. a, span, abbr, ...)
ignoreInlineOn: [], // tags to ignore inlining tags under inlineTags
// cleanup for keys
cleanIndent: true, // removes indent, eg. if a p tag spans multiple lines
ignoreCleanIndentFor: ['PRE', 'CODE'], // ignores cleaning up of indent for those tags needing that extra spaceing
cleanWhitespace: true, // removes surrounding whitespace from key
namespace: false, // set a filename - default namespace will be translation
namespaceFromPath: false // set true will use namepace based on window.location.pathname
ns: ['common'] // -> only set if accessing more then one namepace
// + all options available in i18next
Just set translated attribute:
<p merge>all inside will be used as on segment, even if having other <a>elements inside</a></p>
// key = all inside will be used as on segment, even if having other <a>elements inside</a>
Same could be done using options:
mergeTags: [], // tags to merge innerHtml to one key
inlineTags: [], // tags to inline (eg. a, span, abbr, ...)
ignoreInlineOn: [], // tags to ignore inlining tags under inlineTags
<img src="/images/{{a.png}}" alt="big A" />
You will find a.png
to be a key in your translation files - it's value can be replaced to eg. a-de.png
for german (all other languages will fallback to a.png
<a href="/{{statistic}}">Open my statistics</a>
will be a regular key that can be translated. But be aware you will need to provide that routes - eg. using localized routes on the server
Just set translated attribute:
<div translated>this won't get translated - nor this elements children</div>
Just add needed items to the specific array:
ignoreTags: ['SCRIPT'], // need to be uppercased
ignoreIds: ['ignoreMeId'],
ignoreClasses: ['ignoreMeClass'],
<SCRIPT>this won't get translated - nor this elements children</SCRIPT>
<div id="ignoreMeId">this won't get translated - nor this elements children</div>
<div class="ignoreMeClass">this won't get translated - nor this elements children</div>
Just add translated
For extended translations like plurals, interpolation, ... you need to add options to the element
<div i18next-options='{"foo": "bar"}'>
foo {{bar}}
<p i18next-options='{"foo2": "bar2"}'>foo {{foo}}; foo2 {{foo2}}</p>
Options get inherited from parent to child nodes.
Default would be translation.
namespace: 'myNamespace'
namespaceFromPath: true
This is useful for reused elements that are on every page, eg. like footer,... and you're using namespaceFromPath. So you can avoid having that segments on every routes namespace file.
namespace: 'translation', // -> set the default namespace
ns: ['common'] // -> add additional namespaces to load
<div i18next-options='{"ns": "common"}'>
<p>different namespace: i18next-options='{"ns": "common"}'</p>
<p>set it on i18next options and assert to add it to <strong>i18next.options.ns array on init</strong></p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/i18nextify.min.js"></script>
<body style="display: none">
Just set the element style display to none. I18nextify will change it to block when ready.
You can change the namespace after loading to some other file (eg. before transitioning to another page).