- 👋 Hi, I’m @PrelevatedInsider22581
- 👀 I’m interested in ASP.NET, .NET, React JS, HTML, CSS, JS and C#, WPF, Win32 API (C#), before WPF; I'm interested in WinForms
- 🧠 I now know some C/C++ because I wrote a Hello, World! program in my PC. I also know Win32 API because I first wrote it in C#, then I tested with C/C++. I've tried GetUserName, success! I also tried it in C/C++, also success!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Assembly, EFI code
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on (I never donate, ever)
- 📫 How to reach me:
- Email (decode the rot13 then base64: p3WyMKWuoF5mLKEbrJRlZQR0DTqgLJyfYzAioD==)
- Secondary email (decode the rot13 then base64: p3WyMKWuoF5mLKEbrJRlZQR0DT91qTkio2fhL29g)
- Work email (Personal) (decode the rot13 then base64: EUIxMUIGpzIypzSgH2S0nUyuDzSfqGVjZGDkZGV0DSOlMJkyqzS0MJEWoaAcMTIlIIAAMKEbo2Dho25gnJAlo3AiMaDhL29g)
- Don't use cracks. There are serverally malicious programs, which can harmfully access your codespaces (These are Linux)/PC.
- Upgrading takes several minutes. Don't cancel the upgrade. It will rollback your software version.