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A Model for Classifying Colleges/Universities Based on Awards Issued

When choosing a higher education institution to attend in the United States, prospective students take into account many aspects such as the availability of financial aid, institutional governance (public vs. private), and/or degree options. For individuals who may not be well-informed about what is available, this could be a confusing encounter. With a high degree of accuracy, this classification model seeks to classify these institutions based on nuber of awards given for every 100 full-time enrolled students, assisting prospective students and their families in making well-informed decisions.

1. Data Source

The dataset used was originally authored by Jonathan Ortiz. The dataset contains 63 columns and 3797 rows. The features describe demographic information of US colleges and universities including the name, location, 2- or 4-year, SAT scores, awards, expenses per award, financial aid, public or private, etc. Each row contains information about a specific institution. The authors obtained the data from the National Center for Educational Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education System and the Voluntary System of Accountability’s Student Success and Progress Rate. The dataset can be accessied through the link below:

2. Data Wrangling

Data Wrangling Notebook

  • Duplicate Entries: No duplicate entries were found in the dataset.
  • Missing Data: Columns with more than 90% missing values were dropped. The missing values in ‘flagship’ and ‘hbcu’ columns were filled with ‘no’ to indicate that the institution was not a flagship or not a HBCU. Numeric columns with missing values were imputed with the mean.
  • Outliers: Outliers were removed based on the Interquartile Range (IQR) method.
  • Encoding: Non-numeric variables including 'level', 'control', 'basic', 'hbcu', and 'flagship' were encoded using OneHotEncoder.
  • The resulting datset contained 3798 records and 40 variables.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis

EDA Notebook

  • Distribution of institutions per State was as shown in the following plot: line plot
  • There were more 4-year institutions compared to 2-year institutions.
  • Forty-percent of the institutions were identified as Public institutions.
  • Descriptive statistics are displayed below: descriptive statistics
  • The above statistics represent the raw data including possible outliers.

4. Data Pre-processing

Preprocessing Notebook

  • Data tranformation: A new column, 'num_awards_given', was created by binning the target variable 'awards_per_value' into two classes: 'Low' (0-20) and 'High' (21-40). The original 'awards_per_value' column was dropped.
  • Train/Test Split: Dataset was split into 80% train set and 20% test set. Data were scaled using the StandardScaler() method.

5. Modelling and Tuning

Model Training/Testing Notebook

The findings reported were obtained after using PyCaret library to train and test the dataset. PyCaret provides an easy way to compare multiple machine learning models across various metrics and selects the best model with low amount of coding. See results in the following subsections:

5.1. Performance of Models:

Models' performances

  • The best performing model was CatBoostClassifier, with the following results after hyperparameter tuning:

Best score

  • CatBoostClassifier is very expensive compared to the other models.

5.2. ROC Curve of the CatBoostClassifier:

ROC curve

  • The CatBoostClassifier model performs significantly better than random guessing.
  • The micro-average ROC curve reflects the model’s overall performance across all classes and samples. With AUC = 0.89, the model is slightly better performing when considering the overall dataset. While the macro-average AUC suggests a balanced performance across both classes without being skewed by class imbalance.

5.3. Reliability Curve:

Reliability Curve

  • The model is well calibrated, especially in the extreme ends (low and high probabilities). There are some discrepancies in the mid-range probabilities where the model under/overestimates the likelihood of positive outcomes.
  • Though the model’s probability predictions are mostly reliable, there are areas where calibration could be improved.

5.4. Important Features:

Important Features

The feature importance plot clearly indicates that financial metrics (such as exp_award_value, awards_per_state_value, and aid_value) and student success indicators (like grad_100_value and grad_150_value) are paramount in predicting the number of awards issued per 100 full-time undergraduate students. The contributions from faculty and the structure of student enrollment (ft_fac_value, ft_pct and cohort_size) also play significant roles, providing a comprehensive view of the factors influencing award distribution in higher education institutions.

6. Conclusion

Based on the result of the best performing model,

  • We can classify higher education institutions that have a high number of awards with an accuracy of 83%.
  • We can classify institutions that have a low number of awards issued with 79% accuracy.

Although the model falls short of the intended target of at least 90% accuracy, the CatBoostClassifier is an effective model in classifying higher education institutions based on the number of awards issued for every 100 full-time undergraduate students.

7. Web App Development with Streamlit

The trained model was used to developed a Web Application using Streamlit and GitHub Codespaces. See code here .

8. Further Recommendations

  • Explore additional hyperparameters and maybe ensemble methods to improve the accuracy of the model.


Acknowledgements: I acknowledge my mentor @AmirParizi for guiding me through this Springboard Bootcamp process. I greatly appreciated it. Also, I acknowledge the instructional Faculty at Datacamp.


Assignments from the Bootcamp and others






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