Table of Contents
- Each OSW Tool own endpoint,
(channel of OSW) is direct attribute of each osw_tool table/endpoint - in this version it is not possible to query all data from all tools (either dynamic/sub query function or combined channel references reqired)
t[tools] {
CHAR(35) osw_tool PK
tv[tools_view] {
CHAR(35) osw_tool
fcte[func_create_tool_endpoint] {
CHAR(35) osw_tool
fct[func_create_tool] {
CHAR(35) osw_tool
fcts[func_create_tools] {
CHAR(35)[] osw_tool
nt[n_osw_tools] {
CHAR(35) ch
JSONB data
a ||--o| t : has_internal
a ||--o| fcte : has_internal
a ||--o| fct : exposes
a ||--o| fcts : exposes
a ||--o| tv : exposes
a ||--o| nt : exposes
tv ||--o| t : reads
fct ||--o| fcte : performs
fct ||--o| t : inserts
fcts ||--o| fcte : performs
fcts ||--o| t : inserts
fcte ||--o| nt : creates
Tools, each labled by OSW-UUID for each Tool as own Endpoints representing hypertables in postgres are used in this schema. Channels as part of tools used are also labled by OSW-UUIDs. Data Objects on 'api.<TOOL_OSW_UUID>' have format:
"ts": "<TIMESTAMP>",
"data": {},
- Docker, Docker Compose
- Local data directory or linked directory (optionally use docker volume)
Create local data directory with right permissions, for instance 1st pgdata directory:
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/tsdb-pgrst-1_pgdata
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/tsdb-pgrst-1_pgdata
Symlink to local directory to be used by docker-compose:
sudo ln -s /mnt/tsdb-pgrst-1_pgdata pgdata