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Dejima prototype

This project is a prototype for the Dejima data sharing architecture. It uses a Ruby on Rails API as the distributed coordination layer on top of a postgresql database, which is modified with plpgsql & plsh sql triggers to emulate BX behavior.

The prototype uses a very simple example of three peers. A bank, an insurance and the government. These three peers share person registration data: firstname, lastname, birthdate, address and phone number. The government knows about all this data, while the insurance does not know the phone number and the bank does not know the birthdate.The Rails peer code is in the subdirectory "peer" and client code is in the subdirectory "client". Client is very Rails server to pass queries, updates to database and manage global lock. Which type is launched is controlled via the environment variable PEER_TYPE, which takes the values bank, government and insurance. RAILS_ENV=client_development will start the application as a client in the development environment, while RAILS_ENV=peer_development will start it as a peer in the development environment. This is all preconfigured for easy-use in the orchestration file crane.yml. See details further down in How to use.

Prototype setup

The prototype runs completely in docker containers. We used crane for orchestration.

Therefore you need to install:

  • Docker Version >= 1.13
  • Crane Version 3.5.x. the free version is sufficient

Building the docker images

While rebuilding the images is not necessary for regular development (see Configuration below), it is necessary to rebuild the images to modify the installed packages inside the images.

The images are hosted on Dockerhub and can be built locally. The Dockerfile for peer and client is in the root directory. The Dockerfile for the modified postgres database is in docker-postgres/Dockerfile. Both images use the very small alpine base images. A Makefile is provided to easily update the images. Running make build in the project root will rebuild the docker image locally.

How to make demonstration

The project can be easily used with the crane orchestration tool and the provided orchestration file. It provides an easy configuration format for starting docker container.

Simply boot up the peers and possibly clients in seperate shells using the following commands:

crane run bank-peer
crane run bank-client
crane run gov-peer
crane run gov-client
crane run insurance-peer
crane run insurance-client

You do not have to boot all of them. E.g. just running gov-client, gov-peer, bank-client and bank-peer will create a simple dejima network with one dejima group. The client server's only job is to manage global locks on memcached. All insertion or deletion need to be executed through client server for using global lock. After running gov-client, gov-peer, bank-client and bank-peer container, you can check the propagation of insertion by running commands below.

curl http://localhost:81/dejima/create_user/firstname/lastname

How to build a new application

You can make new peer ,<peer_name>, in the dejima-prototype by steps below:

  1. generate postgres database schema and triggers by BIRDS (bi-directional transformation library), and set the output files in peer/lib/dejima_sql.
  2. create files which define base tables, and add these files into peer/db/migrate. Migration files in this directory are called when docker container starts. For example:
class Create<peer_name>Users < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] # This class name can be defined arbitrarily.
  def change
    return unless Rails.application.config.dejima_peer_type == :<peer_name>

    create_table :<peer_name>_users do |t|
      t.string :<column_name1>, null: false
      t.string :<column_name2>

In this example, the migration class name is "Create<peer_name>Users", but you can define this class name arbitrarily. 3. create files which define triggers, and add these files into peer/db/migrate. These files call the SQL files generated by BIRDS. For example:

class Create<peer_name>DejimaTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] # This class name can be defined arbitrarily.
  def up
    return unless Rails.application.config.dejima_peer_type == :<peer_name>
    execute / "lib" / "dejima_sql" / "<sql file generated by step 1>")

  def down
    raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration

Same as before, you can define this migration class name arbitrarily. 4. create files which define models for base tables, and add these files into peer/app/models. For example:

require 'set'

class <peer_name>User < ApplicationRecord # This class name can be defined arbitrarily.
  include DejimaBase

Same as before, you can define this model class name arbitrarily.

Instead of following procedure so far, you can also use rails command, for example: rails generate model. But in that case, you need to modify manually the files generated by the command after all, so following these 4 steps is recommended.

  1. add services to the crane.yml. client, peer and postgres containers are required for each peer. Example of one service is below. Please replace <peer_name> with peer name. When you add new peer, you need to create all these three types of containers.
    image: "yusukew/dejima-peer" # this is Rails image for peer server.
      - "<peer_name>-postgres"
    networks: ["net", "<peer_name>-peer-net"]
      - "RAILS_ENV=peer_development"
      - "PEER_TYPE=<peer_name>" # you need to create trigger for each peer type.
      - "PEER_NETWORK_ADDRESS=dejima-<peer_name>-peer.dejima-net" # tell who am I in the network.
      - "DEJIMA_PEER_DATABASE_HOST=dejima-<peer_name>-postgres.dejima-<peer_name>-peer-net" # the database host name that manages data for this peer.
      - "NODE=peer" # give container type. you can choose peer or client.
      - "CONFIG=/peer/dejima_setting.yml" # specify the directory of cofing file
    interactive: true
    tty: true
    volume: ["peer:/peer"] # volume ./peer folder to container directory /peer to make it easier to change the code.
    image: "dfherr/dejima-postgres:latest"
    networks: ["<peer_name>-peer-net", "<peer_name>-client-net"]
      - "POSTGRES_USER=postgres"
      - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobar"
      - "DEJIMA_API_ENDPOINT=dejima-peer.dejima-<peer_name>-peer-net:3000/dejima/propagate" # database sends a notice to this API of peer server
    image: "yusukew/dejima-client" # this is simple Rails application image that passes the query, update, insert to the database and manages the global lock.
      - "<peer_name>-postgres"
      - "memcached"
    networks: ["net", "<peer_name>-client-net"]
      - "RAILS_ENV=client_development"
      - "PEER_TYPE=<peer_name>"
      - "DEJIMA_PEER_DATABASE_HOST=dejima-<peer_name>-postgres.dejima-<peer_name>-client-net" # put the host name of the database
      - "MEMCACHE_HOST=memcached" # We use memcached to manage global lock. you need to give host name of memcached server
    interactive: true
    tty: true
    publish: ["3001:3000"] # you can execute API call to port 30001. Please avoid port overlap when you map many ports.
    volume: ["client:/client"]

  1. add base "table - dejima table - peer" relationship to peer/dejima_setting.yml. The example when you add one peer <peer_name> to Peer0 and Peer1 is below.
# the relation between dejima table <-> peer
      peers: # put peer names that shares this dejima-table. In this case, <peer_name> and peer0 shares this dejima-table.
        - "dejima-<peer_name>-peer.dejima-net"
        - "dejima-peer0-peer.dejima-net"
        - "dejima-<peer_name>-peer.dejima-net"
        - "dejima-peer1-peer.dejima-net"

# the relation between base table <-> dejima table
    # dejima-tables that share this base-table
      - "ShareWithPeer0"
      - "ShareWithPeer1"

# the relation between peer <-> base-table
    # base-tables in this peer. In this case, <peer_name> has <peer_name>_base_table0 as base-table.
      - "<peer_name>_base_table0"


  • Wait between starting peers. Starting peers will trigger the peer detection algorithm and will not work, if another server is starting, but not yet ready to respond. Simply starting it again once the other peer is ready to respond solves this issue. A retry mechanism isn't implemented. Startup might be slow, because TCP connections to unreachable peers have to timeout.
  • The peers will automatically start their postgres databases in the background and apply all necessary database changes. Each client/peer has one common database (i.e. bank-postgres, gov-postgres, insurance-postgres)
  • Each peer, client and database per type share one virtual network, while all peers are connected within a seperate network. These networks are completely isolated from each other and the host system unless configured otherwise.
  • Application logs are added to the default docker logs and will be output to stdout on a docker container running in the forground. Use docker logs -f container_name to tail logs of a container running in the background (e.g. the database).
  • Database users are used to determine the origin of a request. The user "dejima" is locked for coordination layer requests, while every other user makes regular updates


  • All relationships between base table, dejima table and peer are configured by peer/dejima_setting.yml
  • With the provided configuration the bank-client is reachable from the host system using port 3000. This can be configured in the crane.yml with the publish option. See crane.yml bank-client configuration. Example: publish: ["80:3000"] would link the port 3000 of the container to port 80 of the host system running docker.
  • The provided configuration mounts the peer code of the host system into the docker container using the volume option. This means all changes to the code on the host system are used the the container without rebuilding the image. Just edit the files inside of peer folder and the changes will be used by the docker containers. The server might require a restart for some changes to take affect.
  • The rm option will automatically remove a container when stopped and create a new container on the next startup. This is usually very handy, but might be hurtful if you need to look at a container after it failed. Remove the rm option in the crane.yml to disable this.
  • You can simply append commands to crane. E.g. crane run bank-peer bash will create the bank-peer container with all configured settings and open a bash shell inside the container. Rspectively crane run bank-peer Rails console will open the Rails console inside the container.

Reseting the databases

The databases are automatically started in the background, when a peer or client is launched and not stopped, when stopped their connected peers/client. To reset the database and wipe all data simply remove the database container, e.g. to remove the banks database use:

crane rm --force bank-postgres

The database will automatically be restarted and setup the next time either bank-client or bank-peer is started using crane.

Peer code structure

The peer code uses the default Ruby on Rails architecture with some tweaks for the dejima architecture. The environment variable RAILS_ENV controls client/peer behavior and development/test/production environment. The environment variable PEER_TYPE control bank/government/insurance types.

Here is an overview of the most important files:


Due to emulating BX behavior using sql triggers, the prototype has several limitations:

  • It has no access to read set (required for consistency)
  • It has no access to transaction numbers (required for consistency, especially detecting staleness)
  • It can't handle complex transformations across dependend dejima groups. This needs an additional transformation response from a peer, which is connecting two dependent dejima groups.
  • Updates are translated to insert/delete queries, which might result in severe performance issues (reindexing, data fragementation)



Copyright (c) 2019 Dennis-Florian Herr

Created as part of my master thesis @ TUM and the Big Data Engineering Lab of Osaka University


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • PLpgSQL 48.7%
  • Ruby 48.6%
  • Shell 1.1%
  • Other 1.6%