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Configuration files for my GNU+Linux system.

alt Hyprland


📎 Standard

Warning Some additional configuration maybe required

1. Clone the repository

Note I personally clone the repository to my home directory.

git clone
cd config

2. Copy the configuration.

Note Delete the files that you don't need.

cp -r .* ~/.config



Other Utilities

Font: noto fonts


Note If you don't want any of the programs just delete it or change it in or hyprland.conf


  • Package Manager: Use-package with Package.el

Note The Godot editor must be running when you connect with LSP. Note The default port in nvim-lspconfig for Godot is 6008, but if you're running Godot 4.0 then that's configured to use 6005 (you can change this in the settings).

alt neovim

How to replicate

Make a base gentoo install (I recommend Denshi's video )

Note When partitioning the disk you can use Gparted

Choose the desktop profile

Warning Don't forget to emerge the rust binary if you don't want longer emerge time (1-2 hours)

Set the use flags and makeopts for faster emerge

Use ram instead of ssd,hdd

Change fstab

Warning Only use it if you have at least 2 gb per thread

Note If you want you can copy the /etc/portage files, but change it to your hardware (makeopts, use flags, videocards)

After the install

Open /etc/rc.conf and change to rc_parallel="YES" and rc_logger="YES"


doas emerge -av gentoolkit app-admin/doas sys-process/dcron app-admin/sysklogd net-misc/networkmanager
efibootmgr grub sys-boot/os-prober app-shells/bash-completion

Note Enable Guru for swaylock-effects
For Librewolf select the librewolf repository

Warning Don't forget /etc/doas.conf wiki
Don't forget to install app-shells/bash-completion and add to .bashrc (complete -F _root_command doas) for doas bash completion

Window manager

doas emerge -qav vim hyprland waybar alacritty htop gammastep
nm-applet gui-apps/rofi-wayland gui-apps/swaylock-effects swayidle swaybg gui-apps/wl-clipboard
gui-apps/foot gui-apps/slurp gui-apps/grim media-sound/playerctl app-misc/brightnessctl gui-libs/xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
media-sound/alsa-utils gnome-extra/polkit-gnome x11-misc/dunst sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk

Lighter Programs

doas emerge -qav gparted thunar xfce-base/tumbler xfce-base/thunar-volman media-gfx/raw-thumbnailer
app-admin/keepassxc ristretto galgulator celluloid app-arch/file-roller net-misc/yt-dlp cmus


doas emerge -qav sys-apps/ripgrep sys-apps/fd dev-vcs/git dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-bin

Heavy Programs

doas emerge -qav librewolf-bin www-client/firefox-bin app-office/libreoffice-bin mail-client/thunderbird-bin


doas emerge -qav x11-themes/arc-theme

Note I personaly install Qogir icon,cursor theme

To install Qogir icon/cursor theme

git clone
doas emerge --ask xcb-util-cursor
cd Qogir-icon-theme/
doas ./


doas emerge -qav tlp powertop

Note To poweroff the computer use loginctl poweroff/reboot in order when closing of the leds the command finish


doas emerge -qav x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit media-libs/libva-intel-media-driver

Nvidia Optimus

doas emerge -qav prime-run


To install


Install all three in the gentoo wiki

  • copy the fonts included in config into fonts folder

Note Change in desktop files at /usr/share/applications/ to terminal=false exec=alacritty -e command

Warning Don't forget bluetooth printing

To update the system

doas emaint -a sync && doas emerge -qavuDNg @world && doas emerge --ask --depclean && doas eclean-dist -d && doas eclean-pkg -d && doas eclean-kernel -n 2 && flatpak update

ntfs partition fstab

if you want to mount ntfs partion in fstab you need to use ntfs3 type


Thanks for reading!