Yowsup is a python library that enables you build application which use WhatsApp service. Yowsup has been used to create an unofficial WhatsApp client Nokia N9 through the Wazapp project which was in use by 200K + users as well as another fully featured unofficial client for Blackberry 10
We integrated Goibio's HTTP APIs to get the output for required queries in WhatsApp.
- To install python packages:
make install
- To install yowsup:
make yowsup-install
- To run:
make run
if any installation fails, please retry
if login fails, please retry
- user can perfom these possible queries in WhatsApp
- @help - for welcome screen
- @bus - for bus related queries
- @flight - for flight related queries
- @hotel - for hotel related queries
- @searchBus start_station end_station date_of_departure - to search buses with minimum fare
- @searchFlight departure_airport arrival_arrival date_of_departure - to search flights with minimum fare
- @searchHotels city_name checkIn_date checkOut_date start_range end_range - to search hotels within given range