In this demo, a Kalman filter is applied to track the pose of an automotive. IMU data and speed information1 are collected through Carla rosbridge. In the update step, the speed measurement is used to update the states. Moreover, non-holonomic constraints are applied.
- Linux and ROS (has been test on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic).
- Carla Simulator and Carla rosbridge. Make sure your Python can find carla package, Python 3.7 is recommended.
- First, clone into you catkin workspace
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
- Build
- To run
start Carla server
roslaunch automotive_dead_reckoning carla_localization_ad_rosbridge.launch
in another terminal
roslaunch automotive_dead_reckoning wheel_ins.launch
In practice, vehicle speed information can be obtained through on-board interface, visual odometry or even by binding an IMU on a non-steering wheel. ↩