Libft is an individual project at 42 School that requires students to re-create on their own not only standard C library functions but also some other additionals to build a library of useful functions for themselves.
This is my enhanced library of functions which includes the required Libft of 42 School and my other functions.
Functions of is character
Functions of linked list
Functions of memory
Functions of put
Functions of string
Functions of to
Functions of printf
# *************COMMANDS************ #
# all - compile the library
$ make (or make all)
# clean - remove the .o and .c files
$ make clean
# fclean - remove the .o and .c and the .a files
$ make fclean
# re - remove all files and remake all
$ make re
# after running the command make or make all
# you can compile others files .c using this library and their functions
$ cc file.c -L./path/to/folder/libft -lft
Please feel free to create a new issue with its title and description on the issues page of the Libft Repository. If you have already found the solution to the problem, I would love to review your pull request!