Tags: JuliaIO/JSON.jl
## JSON v0.21.4 [Diff since v0.21.3](v0.21.3...v0.21.4) **Closed issues:** - Use random port during testing (#349) - Detect circular dependencies while printing JSON (#354) **Merged pull requests:** - Update doc with correct parameterized function syntax (#336) (@o314) - Introduce a recursive cycle check when writing (#345) (@quinnj) - Use listenany for async tests; fixes #349 (#350) (@quinnj) - Fix outdated grammar in "Documentation" in README.md (#352) (@singularitti) - Bump version for new release (#355) (@quinnj)
## JSON v0.21.2 [Diff since v0.21.1](v0.21.1...v0.21.2) **Closed issues:** - JSON.parsefile does not read entire file (#316) - failure to parse key/value strings containing $ character (#318) - When is JSON.jl going to get to 1.0 ? (#322) - Async test failing locally with `connection refused` (#324) **Merged pull requests:** - switch CI to GitHub Actions (#319) (@vtjnash) - Update Parsers support (#327) (@quinnj)
## JSON v0.21.1 [Diff since v0.21.0](v0.21.0...v0.21.1) **Closed issues:** - Update Julia version badge to 1.X (#271) - Can't serialize empty NamedTuple (#279) - Tag a 1.0.0 (#283) - Tests fail on nightly build Julia (#294) - Error parsing very precise float (#296) - Issue converting JSON message to Julia string. (#297) - Document custom serialization (#298) - Tag 0.20.1 is lower than 0.21.0 (#304) - Options for returning arrays (#308) **Merged pull requests:** - Bump (set) version to 1.0.0 (#287) (@kmsquire) - Made `show_json` for composite types more flexible via `propertynames`/`getproperty`. (#288) (@twadleigh) - Fix show_json to serialize empty NamedTuple (#293) (@0x005c) - Add documentation for StructuralContext to README (#300) (@TotalVerb) - Revise README leading paragraphs (#301) (@TotalVerb) - Document serialization (#302) (@TotalVerb) - Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#303) (@JuliaTagBot) - fix resize! on PushVector to be consistent with Base (#306) (@KristofferC) - Compat entry for Parsers (#307) (@fonsp) - revert 1.0 bump and tag + release 0.21.1 instead (#310) (@KristofferC) - update CI files (#311) (@KristofferC) - get rid of pushvector (#312) (@KristofferC)