Build adapters using XML configuration. Build applications using adapters.
Some example XML configurations:
See them in action:
See release notes.
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- Download and unzip Eclipse Kepler SR2.
- Start Eclipse with Java 7. You might want to use -vm in eclipse.ini.
- Close Welcome.
- Make sure Maven is able to access the internet. E.g. when behind a proxy: Window, Preferences, Maven, User Settings, settings.xml should exist and contain proxy configuration.
- Window, Open Perspective, Other..., Git, OK, Clone a Git repository, URI:, Next, Next, Finish.
- Optionally (when you have access to the proprietary jars some modules depend on) also clone: URI:, User: ..., Password: ..., Next, Next, Finish.
- Right click iaf, Import projects..., Next, unless you cloned mvn-repo-proprietary deselect: iaf-coolgen, iaf-ibm, iaf-ifsa, iaf-sap and iaf-tibco, Finish.
- Window, Open Perspective, Other..., Java EE.
- Servers, No servers are available. Click this link to create a new server..., Apache, Tomcat v7.0 Server, Next, Browse..., select the root folder of a Tomcat installation (when not available download Tomcat (version 7.0.22 is known to work, but other version are expected to work too)), OK, Finish.
- Double click Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost, Open launch configuration, Arguments, VM arguments, add -Dlog.dir=C:\\Temp (or any other folder), OK, Modules, Add Web Module..., iaf-example, OK, File, Save
- Right click Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost, Start.
- Browse the IAF console at http://localhost:8080/iaf-example/.
In some cases you might want/need to:
- Rightclick iaf, Maven, Update Project..., OK.
- Enable Project, Build Automatically
- Right click Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost, Clean...
- Change newlines in .classpath and org.eclipse.wst.common.component files back to Unix newlines.
- Rightclick pom.xml (in iaf), Run As, Maven build..., JRE, make sure a JDK (not a JRE) is used (use Java 5 to compile with the minimal Java version for the IAF project), Refresh, Refresh resources upon completion, Specific resources, Specify Resources..., iaf (Using "The project containing the selected resource" doesn't seem to work), Finish, Run.
- Clone this any way you like. E.g. at the commandline: git clone
- File -> Open project, and select the pom.xml which just appeared.
- To use git via intellij you need to install the git and/or github plugin.
- You can add a tomcat configuration via Run-> Edit Configuration -> + -> Tomcat Server -> Local -> Add example webapp under deployments tab.
- Run it
- git clone
- cd iaf
- mvn
- cd example
- mvn jetty:run
- http://localhost:8080/
After modifying a project file:
- ctrl-c
- cd .. ; mvn clean install ; cd example ; mvn jetty:run
The jetty-maven-plugin requires Maven 3 and Java 1.7.
Add the current year, the name of the copyright owner and the copyright notice (when not already present) to adjusted and new files. See:
When relevant to the end-user first add a line to release notes at the end of section 'Upcoming' with a functional description targeted to end-user. There's no limit on the length of this line. After that create the commit message targeted to developers and Git tools with a short one-line description in the first line (in some cases the same as the release notes line) and if necessary a more detailed explanatory text after a blank line. See:
Use Unix style newlines.