5PHASE H2O EOS by S. T. Stewart in https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1945-5100.2008.tb00657.x
Make-aneos-tables.ipynb converts 5PHASE EOS to standard SESAME 201 + 301 table format.
NEW-SESAME-STD.TXT: Standard length Sandia-style SESAME file with 201 table and 301 table (density, temperature, pressure, sp. internal energy, Helmholtz free energy). 301 table units: g/cm3, K, GPa, MJ/kg, MJ/kg. Note: No HFE tabulated.
NEW-SESAME-EXT.TXT: SESAME-style table with extra variables from ANEOS. Contains the standard 201 table and non-standard 301-extra-variables EOS table. The 301 table has: number of density grid points, number of temperature grid points, density grid values, temperature grid values, sp. entropy(T,rho), sound speed(T,rho), sp. heat capacity(T,rho), KPA flag(T,rho). 2-D arrays list all densities, looping over each temperature. 301 table units: g/cm3, K, MJ/K/kg, cm/s, MJ/K/kg, integer flag, integer flag. The KPA flag is an ANEOS output with phase information.
SESAME table format specification: https://github.com/ststewart/aneos-forsterite-2019/blob/master/EOS-docs/Lyon-Johnson-1992-SESAME-database.pdf
h2o_table_v8.3bNT.txt is a tabular EOS text file; the sav file is an IDL save file.
The IDL save file is in NIST units: K, MPa, kg/m3, kJ/kg
The 301-SESAME style table is in: K, GPa, g/cm3, MJ/kg, MJ/kg/K
In the h2o_table_v8.3bNT.txt file, the format is a 301 style table except that the Helmholtz free energy has been replaced with specific entropy.
The file 5PhaseEOS.zip contains both a no-tension table and a tension table in v8.0 gridding (phase info is in the IDL sav file).