- JS objects
- recursive
- properties with special names like
etc. will be filtered even if they don't contain personal data (list of personal data properties)
- Arrays
- each item will be checked
- Strings
- Emails
- IP v4
- IP v6
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const f = pdf.newFilter({personalDataMask: "*****"});
const data = {
filterMe: "some@mail.com", // will be filtered
dontFilterMe: "some-data",
nextLevel: {
filterMe: "1fec999a-7e81-4bce-8b32-1b6ddd144f1b", // will be filtered
dontFilterMe: "some-data",
email: "not-personal" // will be filtered
email: "some@mail.bg" // will be filtered
const filtered = f.filter(data);
- Mask:
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
personalDataMask: "*****" // The string which will be used to replace the personal data.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);
- Personal data properties:
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
personalDataProperties: ["pd1", "pd2"] // The personal data properties which will be filtered in JS object.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
additionalPersonalDataProperties: ["pd1", "pd2"] // The personal data properties which will be added to the default ones for filtering JS object.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);
- Regular expressions:
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
regularExpression: "[a-z]" // The regular expression which will be used for filtering strings.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
additionalRegularExpressions: ["[a-b]", "[c-d]"] // The regular expressions which will added to the default ones for filtering strings.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);
- Match replacers:
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
useDefaultMatchReplacer: true // Use the default match replacer - sha256 sum.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);
const pdf = require("node-personal-data-filter");
const cfg = {
matchReplacer: match => `not a secret - ${match}` // Set custom match replacer.
const f = pdf.newFilter(cfg);