NoServer is a full-system, queuing simulator for serverless workflows.
- Supports serverless workflows, scalable to thousands function instances and hundreds of nodes.
- Simulates all layers of abstraction of a typical serverless system.
- Disaggregates the three scheduling dimensions: load balancing (LB), autoscaling (AS), and function placement (FP).
- Separate serverless police logic from the underlying system implementation.
- Models hyterogeneous worker types (e.g., Harvest VMs).
The base models of each abstraction layer are the following:
- Serverless platform: Knative
- Cluster orchestration: Kubernetes
- Container runtime: containerd
- OS kernel: Linux
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m noserver [flags]
--mode: Simulation mode to run. Available options: [test, rps, dag, benchmark, trace].
--trace: Path to the DAG trace to simulate. Default: 'data/trace_dags.pkl'.
--hvm: Specify a fixed Harvest VM from the trace to simulate.
--logfile: Log file path.
--display: Display the task DAG. (Opposite option: --nodisplay)
--vm: Number of normal VMs. Default: 2.
--cores: Number of cores per VM. Default: 40.
--stages: Number of stages in the task DAG. Default: 8.
--invocations: Total number of invocations in the task DAG. Default: 4096.
--width: Width of the DAG. Default: 1.
--depth: Depth of the DAG. Default: 1.
--rps: Request per second arrival rate. Default: 1.0.
--config: Path to a configuration file. Default: './configs/'.
• The '--mode' flag is required. You must provide a valid simulation mode.
• Use '--display' to show the task DAG graph. Use '--nodisplay' to suppress the display.
• To use other configurations:
python3 -m noserver --config=./configs/
• To override parameters:
python3 -m noserver --mode dag --noconfig.harvestvm.ENABLE_HARVEST
I conducted validation against the serverless platform vHive (a benchmark wrapper around Knative).
For the following experiments, the cluster specifications are the following:
- Machine type:
on Cloudlab Winsconsin- Number of cores per node: 40 (2 sockets w/ 10 cores each, hyperthreads: 2)
- Maximum theoretical throughput is around 40 requests per second.
- Cluster size: 11 nodes
- 1 master + 10 workers
- Function execution time: 1 s
- 50 percentile from Azure function trace
- Function memory footprint: 170 MiB
- 50 percentile from Azure function trace
In the following experiments, the cluster was not warmed up in order to preserve cold start.
- 50 percentile (p50):
- 99 percentile (p99):