The HelioWatcher is a Sun-Tracking Solar Analytics System developed by Jason Wright & Jeremy Blum. Learn more at
Many of the mechanical parts for Actuating the HelioWatcher were 3D-Printed on a MakerBot Replicator. In this folder, you will find all the design files (sketchup), STLs, and Replicator Dual G-Code Files. You can also find them on the HelioWatcher Thingiverse Page:
This is the embedded code that runs on the ATmega-based MightyBoard MotherBoard that controls the HelioWatcher. It was written in C using AVR Studio.
These are Datasheets for the various electronic modules used in the HelioWatcher.
These are scripts for performing automatic data acquisition from the Solar Panel
These are the System-Level Circuit Diagrams from the HelioWatcher