WebGL navigator using the Cesium framework
Before cloning the repository follow the instructions to install Git LFS.
This extension is used to store some quite big (trace) file inside the repo. After this preliminary procedure a normal git clone
works as expected.
Install NodeJS & NPM. After that, install the dependencies running
npm install
Install the python2 requirements for the analysis scripts using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
The python requirements are not necessary to run the navigator app.
First start the Cesium local development HTTP server
node server.js
Then start the WebSocket server which simulates position & rotation
node ws_sender.js [interval in ms] [# of sent points] [move sent points]
or using
After that, go to http://localhost:8080/app/navigator.html
- w/up arrow: move camera forward
- a/left arrow: move camera left
- s/down arrow: move camera backward
- d/right arrow: move camera right
- q: move camera up
- e: move camera down
- + (add): zoom in
- - (sub): zoom out