Hello, I am kind of newbie in this so apologies if i ask something easy.
I am struggling to solve a problem similar to 351
I have JBrowse 1.15.1 with JBconnect running on an AWS instance.
I am using Google Chrome as browser.
My problem:
I have loaded my tracks (bam/bigwig etc)
I have tried also what is suggested here 1361
But no luck.
When i drag and drop to the combination track, even if it turns "green", nothing is loaded as track, however in the config of the combination track i see the key of my add track..
Interestingly i noted 2 things:
when I load 2 tracks, the dialog asks me for the function. I see this Javascript appear.
in the browser console, when i load a track i see these errors:
Is that an issue?
Do i do anything wrong.
Thank you very much.