Build info: appgen": "@encapsule/holistic v0.0.47 alexandrite Jvp9FcdjQNuiXkE2zcUjJA 4854c0117a5fa5e257006b334d52368e1997cfc0 2020-11-01T16:38:28.000Z",
The delegate transition operator with signature:
CellProcessor: { cell: { cellCoordinates: "#.cell2Proxy", delegate: { ...
Does not work, the operator being dispatched does not get the correct apmBindingPath.
An example is in this branch:
var cp = require("./SOURCES/CLIENT/delegate-test")
{ cellProcessMap: { '4ODg4BoaGhqkpKSkX19fXw': { cell2Proxy: [Object], __apmiStep: 'waiting_for_cell_2' } }, revision: 1 }
The APM for cell1 " '4ODg4BoaGhqkpKSkX19fXw" should transition to ready state because cell2 " x7pM9bwcReupSRh0fcYTgw" is in ready state but no such transition occurs.
Looking at the debugger it does not appear that the apmBindingPath is being resolved correctly in the proxy in the implementation for the delegate operator.