DynamX is a mod for adding objects with realistic physics such as vehicles, props and ragdolls to Minecraft. DynamX also allows you to add blocks and armor, using highly detailed models.
You can find a full explanation on how to make addons there : https://dynamx.fr/wiki/installation/devsetup/
In Forge, add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url 'http://maven.dynamx.fr/artifactory/DynamXRepo'
maven {
url 'https://maven.dynamx.fr/artifactory/' + 'ACsGuisRepo'
dependencies {
deobfCompile "fr.dynamx:DynamX:[VERSION]"
compile "fr.aym.acsguis:ACsGuis:1.2.3-2"
In order to setup DynamX workspace you just need to run
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
and add to the VM options of the run configuration in your IDE
DynamX is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license.
The whole team of DynamX is grateful to :
- Stephen Gold, the creator of Libbulletjme (the library used by DynamX to handle the physics). For his sympathy and his help
- GreenPeople, for the 3d models he provided for DynamX
- DrawLife and StateMC, for all the bug report, and their countless tests
- Blacknite, Ertinox and MK, for their intensive use of DynamX and their helpful suggestions
- All the content creators (addons & content packs) for using DynamX and making wonderful things with it <3
Website: https://dynamx.fr
Wiki: https://dynamx.fr/wiki/
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamx
Discord: https://discord.gg/y53KGzD