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Part 59: Why Doesn't It Work, part 1

We've reached the WDIW stage: why doesn't it work? In this first part of this stage, I find a few easy to find bugs and fix them. That means there are some more subtle bugs yet to be uncovered.

Bad Code Generation for *argv[i]

I'm using cwj (the Gnu C compiled version) to build cwj0. The assembly code in cwj0 is our assembly code, not the assembly code generated by Gnu C. So, when we run cwj0, any errors are because our assembly code isn't correct.

The first bug I noticed was that *argv[i] seemed to be generating code as if it was (*argv)[i], i.e. always the i'th character of *argv, not the first character at argv[i].

I first thought this was a parsing error, but no. It turned out that we were not setting argv[i] as an rvalue before we dereferenced it. I worked this out by dumping the AST trees with both cwj and cwj0 and observing the differences between them. What we need to do is mark the expression after the * token as an rvalue. This is now done in prefix() in expr.c:

static struct ASTnode *prefix(int ptp) {
  struct ASTnode *tree;
  switch (Token.token) {
  case T_STAR:
    // Get the next token and parse it
    // recursively as a prefix expression.
    // Make it an rvalue
    tree = prefix(ptp);
    tree->rvalue= 1;

Externs are Also Globals

This one is going to keep biting me, I'm sure. I found another place where I wasn't treating an extern symbol as a global symbol. This was in genAST() in gen.c where we generate assignment assembly code. The fix is:

      // Now into the assignment code
      // Are we assigning to an identifier or through a pointer?
      switch (n->right->op) {
        case A_IDENT:
          if (n->right->sym->class == C_GLOBAL ||
              n->right->sym->class == C_EXTERN ||
              n->right->sym->class == C_STATIC)
            return (cgstorglob(leftreg, n->right->sym));
            return (cgstorlocal(leftreg, n->right->sym));

Scanning is Working

At this point, the cwj0 compiler is reading source code input but not generating any output. Here are the new Makefile rules to do this:

# Try to do the triple test
triple: cwj1

cwj1: cwj0 $(SRCS) $(HSRCS)
        ./cwj0 -o cwj1 $(SRCS)

cwj0: install $(SRCS) $(HSRCS)
        ./cwj -o cwj0 $(SRCS)

So, a $ make triple will build cwj with Gnu C, then build cwj0 with cwj, and finally build cwj1 with cwj0. I'll talk about this below.

Right now, cwj1 can't be created as there is no assembly output! The question is, where is the compiler getting to? To find out, I added a printf() to the bottom of scan():

  // We found a token
  t->tokstr = Tstring[t->token];
  printf("Scanned %d\n", t->token);
  return (1);

With this added, I saw that both cwj and cwj0 scan 50,404 tokens and the resulting token streams are identical. Thus, we can conclude that, up to scan(), things are working OK.

However, the output of ./cwj0 -S -T cg.c show no AST trees. If I run gdb cwj0, set a breakpoint in dumpAST() and run it with the -S -T cg.c arguments, then we exit before we break at dumpAST(). We also don't get to function_declaration(). So, why doesn't it work?

Ah, I spotted a memory access to 0(%rbp). This should never happen as all locals are at negative locations relative to the frame pointer. In cgaddress() in cg.c, we have another missed external test. We now have:

int cgaddress(struct symtable *sym) {
  int r = alloc_register();

  if (sym->class == C_GLOBAL ||
      sym->class == C_EXTERN ||
      sym->class == C_STATIC)
    fprintf(Outfile, "\tleaq\t%s(%%rip), %s\n", sym->name, reglist[r]);
    fprintf(Outfile, "\tleaq\t%d(%%rbp), %s\n", sym->st_posn, reglist[r]);
  return (r);

Damn these extern problems! Well, it's all my fault, so I need to take the blame here.

Bad Comparisons

With the above change added, we are now failing with:

$ ./cwj0 -S tests/input001.c 
invalid digit in integer literal:e on line 1 of tests/input001.c

This turned out to be caused by this loop in scanint() in scan.c():

static int scanint(int c) {
  int k;
  // Convert each character into an int value
  while ((k = chrpos("0123456789abcdef", tolower(c))) >= 0) {

What is happening is that the k= assignment is not only storing a result in memory, but it is being used as an expression. In this case the k result is being compared, i.e. k >= 0. Now, k is of type int, and we are performing this store to memory for its assignment:

    movl    %r10d, -8(%rbp)

When chrpos() returns -1, this gets truncated down to 32 bits (0xffffffff) and stored in -8(%rbp), i.e. in k. But in the following comparison:

    movslq  -8(%rbp), %r10    # Load value back from k
    movq    $0, %r11          # Load zero
    cmpq    %r11, %r10        # Compare k's value against zero

we load the 32-bit value of k into %r10, and now do a 64-bit comparison. Well, as a 64-bit value, 0xffffffff is a positive number, the loop comparison remains true and we don't leave the loop when we should.

What we should do is use a different cmp instruction based on the size of the operands in the comparison. I've made this change to cgcompare_and_set() in cg.c:

int cgcompare_and_set(int ASTop, int r1, int r2, int type) {
  int size = cgprimsize(type);
  switch (size) {
  case 1:
    fprintf(Outfile, "\tcmpb\t%s, %s\n", breglist[r2], breglist[r1]);
  case 4:
    fprintf(Outfile, "\tcmpl\t%s, %s\n", dreglist[r2], dreglist[r1]);
    fprintf(Outfile, "\tcmpq\t%s, %s\n", reglist[r2], reglist[r1]);

Now the correct comparison instruction is being used. There is a similar function, cgcompare_and_jump(), and at some stage I should refactor and merge the two functions.

Now, So Close!

We are so close to passing what is informally known as the triple test. In the triple test, we use an existing compiler to build our compiler from source code (stage 1). Then we use this compiler to build itself (stage 2). Now, to prove that the compiler is self-compiling, we use the stage 2 compiler to build itself, resulting in the stage 3 compiler.

We can now:

  • build cwj using the Gnu C compiler (stage 1)
  • build cwj0 using the cwj compiler (stage 2)
  • build cwj1 using the cwj0 compiler (stage 3)

However, the binary sizes for cwj0 and cwj1 don't match:

$ size cwj[01]
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
 109636    3028      48  112712   1b848 cwj0
 109476    3028      48  112552   1b7a8 cwj1

and they should match exactly. Only when the compiler can compile itself multiple times in a row and produce the same result do we know that it is self-compiling properly.

Until the results match exactly, there is some subtle behaviour difference between stages 2 and 3, and so the compiler isn't compiling itself consistently.

Conclusion and What's Next

I didn't think I'd get to the point where I can build cwj, cwj0 and cwj1 in a single step of this journey. I expected we would have a whole pile of bugs to fix before we got to this point.

The next problem is to work out why the stage 2 and stage 3 compilers are different sizes. Looking at the size output, the data and bss sections are the same, but the amount of assembly code is different between the two compilers.

In the next part of our compiler writing journey, we will try to do a side-by-side comparison of the assembly output between the different stages, and try to work out what is causing the difference.

P.S. In this part of the journey, I also started to add some assembly output which would allow gdb to see the source line number that we are stopped on. It isn't working yet, but in case you look, you will see a new function cglinenum() in cg.c. When I get it working, I'll write up some commentary on it.