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Part 15: Pointers, part 1

In this part of our compiler writing journey, I want to begin the work to add pointers to our language. In particular, I want to add this:

  • Declaration of pointer variables
  • Assignment of an address to a pointer
  • Dereferencing a pointer to get the value it points at

Given that this is a work in progress, I'm sure I will implement a simplistic version that works for now, but later on I will have to change or extend it for to be more general.

New Keywords and Tokens

There are no new keywords this time, only two new tokens:

  • '&', T_AMPER, and
  • '&&', T_LOGAND

We don't need T_LOGAND yet, but I might as well add this code to scan() now:

    case '&':
      if ((c = next()) == '&') {
        t->token = T_LOGAND;
      } else {
        t->token = T_AMPER;

New Code for Types

I've added some new primitive types to the language (in defs.h):

// Primitive types
enum {

We will have new unary prefix operators:

  • '&' to get the address of an identifier, and
  • '*' to dereference a pointer and get the value it points at.

The type of expression that each operator produces is different to the type that each works on. We need a couple of functions in types.c to make the type change:

// Given a primitive type, return
// the type which is a pointer to it
int pointer_to(int type) {
  int newtype;
  switch (type) {
    case P_VOID: newtype = P_VOIDPTR; break;
    case P_CHAR: newtype = P_CHARPTR; break;
    case P_INT:  newtype = P_INTPTR;  break;
    case P_LONG: newtype = P_LONGPTR; break;
      fatald("Unrecognised in pointer_to: type", type);
  return (newtype);

// Given a primitive pointer type, return
// the type which it points to
int value_at(int type) {
  int newtype;
  switch (type) {
    case P_VOIDPTR: newtype = P_VOID; break;
    case P_CHARPTR: newtype = P_CHAR; break;
    case P_INTPTR:  newtype = P_INT;  break;
    case P_LONGPTR: newtype = P_LONG; break;
      fatald("Unrecognised in value_at: type", type);
  return (newtype);

Now, where are we going to use these functions?

Declaring Pointer Variables

We want to be able to declare scalar variables and pointer variables, e.g.

  char  a; char *b;
  int   d; int  *e;

We already have a function parse_type() in decl.c that converts the type keyword to a type. Let's extend it to scan the following token and change the type if the next token is a '*':

// Parse the current token and return
// a primitive type enum value. Also
// scan in the next token
int parse_type(void) {
  int type;
  switch (Token.token) {
    case T_VOID: type = P_VOID; break;
    case T_CHAR: type = P_CHAR; break;
    case T_INT:  type = P_INT;  break;
    case T_LONG: type = P_LONG; break;
      fatald("Illegal type, token", Token.token);

  // Scan in one or more further '*' tokens 
  // and determine the correct pointer type
  while (1) {
    if (Token.token != T_STAR) break;
    type = pointer_to(type);

  // We leave with the next token already scanned
  return (type);

This will allow the programmer to try to do:

   char *****fred;

This will fail because pointer_to() can't convert a P_CHARPTR to a _PCHARPTRPTR (yet). But the code in parse_type() is ready to do it!

The code in var_declaration() now quite happily parses pointer variable declarations:

// Parse the declaration of a variable
void var_declaration(void) {
  int id, type;

  // Get the type of the variable
  // which also scans in the identifier
  type = parse_type();

Prefix Operators '*' and '&'

With declarations out of the road, let's now look at parsing expressions where '*' and '&' are operators that come before an expression. The BNF grammar looks like this:

 prefix_expression: primary
     | '*' prefix_expression
     | '&' prefix_expression

Technically this allows:

   x= ***y;
   a= &&&b;

To prevent impossible uses of the two operators, we add in some semantic checking. Here's the code:

// Parse a prefix expression and return 
// a sub-tree representing it.
struct ASTnode *prefix(void) {
  struct ASTnode *tree;
  switch (Token.token) {
    case T_AMPER:
      // Get the next token and parse it
      // recursively as a prefix expression
      tree = prefix();

      // Ensure that it's an identifier
      if (tree->op != A_IDENT)
        fatal("& operator must be followed by an identifier");

      // Now change the operator to A_ADDR and the type to
      // a pointer to the original type
      tree->op = A_ADDR; tree->type = pointer_to(tree->type);
    case T_STAR:
      // Get the next token and parse it
      // recursively as a prefix expression
      scan(&Token); tree = prefix();

      // For now, ensure it's either another deref or an
      // identifier
      if (tree->op != A_IDENT && tree->op != A_DEREF)
        fatal("* operator must be followed by an identifier or *");

      // Prepend an A_DEREF operation to the tree
      tree = mkastunary(A_DEREF, value_at(tree->type), tree, 0);
      tree = primary();
  return (tree);

We're still doing recursive descent, but we also put error checks in to prevent input mistakes. Right now, the limitations in value_at() will prevent more than one '*' operator in a row, but later on when we change value_at(), we won't have to come back and change prefix().

Note that prefix() also calls primary() when it doesn't see a '*' or '&' operator. That allows us to change our existing code in binexpr():

struct ASTnode *binexpr(int ptp) {
  struct ASTnode *left, *right;
  int lefttype, righttype;
  int tokentype;

  // Get the tree on the left.
  // Fetch the next token at the same time.
  // Used to be a call to primary().
  left = prefix();

New AST Node Types

Up in prefix() I introduced two new AST node types (declared in defs.h):

  • A_DEREF: Dereference the pointer in the child node
  • A_ADDR: Get the address of the identifier in this node

Note that the A_ADDR node isn't a parent node. For the expression &fred, the code in prefix() replaces the A_IDENT in the "fred" node with the A_ADDR node type.

Generating the New Assembly Code

In our generic code generator, gen.c, there are only a few new lines to genAST():

    case A_ADDR:
      return (cgaddress(n->;
    case A_DEREF:
      return (cgderef(leftreg, n->left->type));

The A_ADDR node generates the code to load the address of the n-> identifier into a register. The A_DEREF node take the pointer address in lefreg, and its associated type, and returns a register with the value at this address.

x86-64 Implementation

I worked out the following assembly output by reviewing the assembly code generated by other compilers. It might not be correct!

// Generate code to load the address of a global
// identifier into a variable. Return a new register
int cgaddress(int id) {
  int r = alloc_register();

  fprintf(Outfile, "\tleaq\t%s(%%rip), %s\n", Gsym[id].name, reglist[r]);
  return (r);

// Dereference a pointer to get the value it
// pointing at into the same register
int cgderef(int r, int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case P_CHARPTR:
      fprintf(Outfile, "\tmovzbq\t(%s), %s\n", reglist[r], reglist[r]);
    case P_INTPTR:
    case P_LONGPTR:
      fprintf(Outfile, "\tmovq\t(%s), %s\n", reglist[r], reglist[r]);
  return (r);

The leaq instruction loads the address of the named identifier. In the section function, the (%r8) syntax loads the value that register %r8 points to.

Testing the New Functinality

Here's our new test file, tests/input15.c and the result when we compile it:

int main() {
  char  a; char *b; char  c;
  int   d; int  *e; int   f;

  a= 18; printint(a);
  b= &a; c= *b; printint(c);

  d= 12; printint(d);
  e= &d; f= *e; printint(f);
$ make test15
cc -o comp1 -g -Wall cg.c decl.c expr.c gen.c main.c misc.c
   scan.c stmt.c sym.c tree.c types.c
./comp1 tests/input15.c
cc -o out out.s lib/printint.c

I decided to change our test files to end with the .c suffix, now that they are actually C programs. I also changed the tests/mktests script to generate the correct results by using a "real" compiler to compile our test files.

Conclusion and What's Next

Well, we have the start of pointers implemented. They are not completely correct yet. For example, if I write this code:

int main() {
  int x; int y;
  int *iptr;
  x= 10; y= 20;
  iptr= &x + 1;
  printint( *iptr);

it should print 20 because &x + 1 should address one int past x, i.e. y. This is eight bytes away from x. However, our compiler simply adds one to the address of x, which is incorrect. I'll have to work out how to fix this.

In the next part of our compiler writing journey, we will try to fix this problem.