A comprehensive NFT platform that combines ERC721 token minting, ERC20 token integration, and NFT staking mechanics. The platform features a collection of unique NFTs that can be minted either freely or using custom ERC20 tokens, with additional staking capabilities for earning rewards.
- Collection of 10 unique NFTs with distinct traits and artwork
- Free minting capability through Etherscan
- Full OpenSea integration
- Verifiable traits and metadata
- Mint exclusive NFTs using custom ERC20 tokens
- Cost: 10 ERC20 tokens per NFT
- Automated approval and minting process
- Secure token transfer mechanics
- Stake NFTs to earn ERC20 token rewards
- Reward rate: 10 ERC20 tokens per 24 hours
- Flexible withdrawal system
- Secure staking mechanics with anti-exploitation measures
ERC721 Token Contract
- Implements NFT standard
- Manages NFT minting and transfers
- Handles metadata and traits
ERC20 Token Contract
- Custom token for NFT purchases and rewards
- 18 decimal places precision
- Standard transfer and approval mechanics
Staking Contract
- Manages NFT deposits and withdrawals
- Handles reward distribution
- Implements time-lock mechanics
- Security measures against re-staking exploitation
- Time-locked staking rewards
- Secure contract interactions
- Protected withdrawal mechanisms
- Anti-exploitation measures
- Slither-verified security
- Solhint-compliant code
- Static analysis with Slither
- Code style enforcement with Solhint
- Prettier formatting
- Comprehensive testing suite
- Security audit recommendations implemented
- Visit the contract on Sepolia Etherscan
- Connect your wallet
- Use the
function - View your NFT on OpenSea
- Acquire platform ERC20 tokens
- Approve token spending for the minting contract
- Execute minting transaction
- Receive your exclusive NFT
- Hold a platform NFT
- Approve NFT transfer to staking contract
- Deposit NFT through staking function
- Collect ERC20 rewards (10 tokens/24h)
- Withdraw NFT at any time
- ERC721 Token:
- Solidity for smart contracts
- OpenZeppelin contract standards
- Hardhat development environment
- Ethers.js for testing
- IPFS for metadata storage
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Compile contracts
npx hardhat compile
# Run tests
npx hardhat test
# Deploy contracts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.