Tags: Dawn-MC/BungeeCord
Fix forwarding issue where the login profile is sometimes null. Now, we create the profile properly if it doesn't currently exist. Fixes HexagonMC#139
Merge pull request HexagonMC#141 from SpigotMC/master Index UUIDs to speed up player queries (SpigotMC#2121)
Merge pull request HexagonMC#138 from dualspiral/feaeture/hex-ipfwd Add support for FML with IP Forwarding enabled
Merge pull request HexagonMC#128 from SpigotMC/master Jenkins modules are now https.
Merge pull request HexagonMC#126 from SpigotMC/master SpigotMC#2055: Mark inactive channels as closed
Merge pull request HexagonMC#124 from SpigotMC/master Merge branch 'SpigotMC-master'
Merge pull request HexagonMC#120 from SpigotMC/master Add "Not authenticated with Minecraft.net" message in the messages.pr…