- vimrc for vim
- tmux.conf for tmux
- bashrc for bash shell
- i3config for i3 window manager
- i3blocks.conf for i3blocks status bar
- dotfiles.sh bash script to make symlinks automatically
Clone this repo, make sure the variable dot_dir
in dotfiles.sh
is the right directory. Make sure files
in dotfiles.sh
has the dotfiles you want to symlink into your home (~/) directory. Make dotfiles.sh
able to run by chmod +x dotfiles.sh
. I wouldn't try to use anything except the vimrc on anything but linux.
The scripts inside use the following (obscure ones will have a link to source)
- i3lock-color
- xautolock
- xbacklight
- xdotool
- tmux
- iwgetid (wireless-tools)
- redshift
- geoclue2
- rofi