• Group 1: https://web.calce.umd.edu/batteries/data.htm ; https://ti.arc.nasa.gov/tech/dash/groups/pcoe/prognostic-data-repository/
• Group 2: https://data.matr.io/1/projects/5c48dd2bc625d700019f3204
• Group 3: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:03ba4b01-cfed-46d3-9b1a-7d4a7bdf6fac
Python packages required to run code (any version is applicable) for dependencies refer to developer website:
- pandas
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- tensorflow
- Download supplied data. Note: Data is for demo code only and does not include all datasets used in the paper. Data name indicates what the data should be used for.
- Load data and run feature_selection.py
- Load saved data in any of the supplied model code for training
- Load the trained model in the supplied jupyter notebook results.ipynb
For access to the data processing and feature engineering code, please contact Darius Roman at darius.roman@outlook.com(old contact no longer available dvr1@hw.ac.uk) for the academic license. Only the data modelling code is available without agreeing to a license.
Please introduce yourself and your affiliation