This is a BungeeCord version, based on the HexagonMC version, in order to support a wider range of versions.
Original readme from HexagonMC's repository:
This is a fork of md_5's BungeeCord
This version reimplements Minecraft 1.7.10 and basic 1.7.10 Forge support.
Since release 134+, SpongePls is no longer needed when using Sponge-servers within your network!
IMPORTANT: We WON'T fix any 1.7 bugs. This fork is designed for keeping your old servers in your network, until your modspacks are available for 1.10.2/1.11.2 or higher. Most of them are, so get rid of 1.7 fast and move to 1.10.2/1.11.2 modpacks asap.
This version is maintained by
###Releases can be downloaded here: Releases
Modules are automatically downloaded from the releases page.