We specialise in web application development for both publicly accessible applications, as well as large, scalable, corporate intranet solutions. We have experience across the industry dealing with large industrial stock management and safety systems, to SME client CRM and tasking management systems.
The 21st century has been labelled the age of data and huge amounts of data are accumulated with each and every user transaction. We have a team that develops cutting edge mathematical models to analyse and extract information that was never before possible. We have worked in various industries analysing sales patterns and stock movement logistics, even in hazardous industrial environments to improve safety systems.
We have worked extensively in the medical industry extracting lifesaving data and delivering the results directly back to our Cryptex Medical users. We pass information through custom filters to detect fraudulent medical aid claims. Whether you have data to analyse or are interested in our results please contact us to discuss your data requirements.
In this age of data, web presence is everything. Should you require a website or a CMS controlled site to be built, you have come to the right place. We can integrate shopping carts and payment gateway solutions into these sites to cater for user and administrator needs.
We have many years of experience in designing beautiful websites, not only sites that look good on HD monitors but sites that fit perfectly on any screen, tablet or cell phone. We also have our own image library and have some great photographers and graphic designers at our disposal.
Please contact us to discuss how we can build your website or upgrade an existing website. A full portfolio of websites that we have built is available upon request.