The Choirless API allows easy manipulation of data stored in the Choirless music collabortion platform.
This API can be deployed to IBM Cloud Functions (OpenWhisk) or during development, run locally as a Node.js/Express app. Application data is stored in Cloudant/CouchDB databases.
The following environment variables configure how the API accesses the database
- the URL of the CouchDB/Cloudant service e.g.http://admin:admin@localhost:5984
- the name of the users database, storing registered Choirless users.COUCH_CHOIRLESS_DATABASE
- the name of the main choirless database (stores choirs/members/songs/parts).COUCH_KEYS_DATABASE
- the name of the database for storing API access keys.COUCH_RENDER_DATABASE
- the name of the database to store render status objects.
The key management page (/keys
) is protected by W3ID, and is further protected by a whitelist of users. The following are the steps you'll to need to follow and the environment variables you'll need to protect the /keys
Instructions for registering your app with W3ID can be found here. Required environment variables can be found here.
The databases and secondary indexes can be setup by running
on a shell with the appropriate environment variables set.
Run the automated test suite with:
npm run test
Tests are configured to run automatically in Travis.
The API can be run locally with:
# disable authentication and whitelist middleware with LOCAL_MODE=true
export LOCAL_MODE="true"
npm run server
echo 'to do'
To save having to spin up your own API server, you can embed the API functions into your own code. First add this repo to your package.json
dependencies: {
"choirlessapi": "Choirless/choirlessapi"
Then require the module in your own code and use it (they rely on the presence of the environment variables described in the Configuration section):
const choirlessAPI = require('choirlessapi')
const main = async () => {
try {
const user = await choirlessAPI.getUser({ userId: 'someid' })
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e)
Every function expects an object with parameters listed in the API Reference and returns a Promise:
- getUser
- postUser
- postUserLogin
- getUserChoirs
- getChoir
- getChoirMembers
- getChoirSong
- getChoirSongs
- postChoir
- postChoirJoin
- postChoirSong
- postChoirSongPart
- getChoirSongPart
- getChoirSongParts
Read the API Reference.
The following objects are stored:
+--------------+ +---------------+
| | /| |
| choir +-------------+ song |
| | \| |
+------+-------+ +-------+-------+
| |
| |
+-------------+ +--------/-\-----------+ +-----/-\------+
| | | | | |
| user +-------+ choirmember | | songpart |
| | | | | |
+-------------+ +----------------------+ +--------------+
_id: "<userid>",
type: "user",
userId: "<userid>",
userType: "regular",
name: "Glynn Bird",
email: "",
createdOn: "2018-01-26",
verified: true,
password: "<sha256(salt + password)>",
salt: "<some random data>"
can beregular
_id: "<choirid>:0",
type: "choir",
choirId: "<choirid>",
name: "IBM Bristol Choir",
description: "IBM Bristol office choir.",
createdByUserId: "<userid>",
createdByName: "Bob",
createdOn: "2020-05-01",
choirType: "private"
- invite onlypublic
- anyone can join
_id: "<choirid>:member:<userId>",
type: "choirmember",
choirId: "<choirid>",
userId: "<userid>",
joined: "2020-05-02",
name: "Glynn Bird",
memberType: "leader"
- can create songs, and reference partsmember
- can create renditions of parts
_id: "<choirid>:song:<soingid>"
type: "song",
name: "The Lorem Ipum Song",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
choirId: "<choirid>",
songId: "<songid>",
userId: "<userid>",
createdOn: "2020-05-01",
partNames: [
partNameId: "abc",
name: "baritone",
partNameId: "def",
name: "tenor"
_id: "<choirid>:song:<songid>:part:<partid>"
type: "songpart",
choirId: "<choirid>",
songId: "<songid>",
partId: "<partid>",
partName: "alto",
partType: "rendition",
createdBy: "<userid>",
name: "Glynn Bird",
createdOn: "2020-05-01",
offset: 200,
frontendOffset: 150,
aspectRatio: "4:3",
hidden: false,
audio: false
- backing trackreference
- exemplar rendition of partrendition
- choir members rendition of a reference part
This allows a user to extend an invitation to new user to join the choir:
creator: '<id of user who created the invite>',
invitee: '<email of invited user>',
choirId: '<id of choir>',
expires: <expiry timestamp of invite>
This records progress of the rendering process:
choirId: "<choirid>",
songId: "<songid>",
status: "new", // one of new/converted/aligned/rendered,
date: "2020-08-01T10:56:22.000Z"
- when a song part is uploaded to COS, it will have a status of 'new'
- when the webm file is converted and resized to mkv it will be 'converted'
- when the song part has been matched and aligned with the lead part, it will be 'aligned'
- when the montage video has been created it will be 'rendered'