Maintainer: | Masatake YAMATO <> |
Table of contents
Sometimes you will find u-ctags doesn't make a tag for a language object unexpectedly. Writing a patch for making the tag is appreciate. However, you may not have time to do so. In that case, you can open an issue on the GitHub page of u-ctags.
This section tells you how to drive u-ctags developers effectively.
U-Ctags just captures the definitions of language objects. U-ctags has an infrastructure for capturing references for language objects. However, we implement reference tagging limited area. We will not work on writing new code for capturing references for your favorite language. About requests for capturing reference tags, we will say "patches are welcome.".
What kind of language objects u-ctags captures is controlled by --kind-<LANG> option. Some kinds are disabled by default because we assume people don't want too large tags file. When you cannot find a language object you want in a tags file, it is worth for checking the status of kinds. --list-kinds=<LANG> or (--list-kinds-full=<LANG>) option lists the status of the given language.
Let's see an example.
Consider following input (foo.h):
struct point {
int x, y;
struct point *make_point(int x0, int y0);
tags output generated with u-ctags -o - /tmp/foo.h is as following.
point foo.h /^struct point {$/;" s x foo.h /^ int x, y;$/;" m struct:point typeref:typename:int y foo.h /^ int x, y;$/;" m struct:point typeref:typename:int
Though point, x and y are tagged, the declaration make_point is not tagged because prototype kind of C++ is disabled by default. You can know it from the output of ctags --list-kinds-full=C++.
#LETTER NAME ENABLED REFONLY NROLES MASTER DESCRIPTION A alias no no 0 NONE namespace aliases L label no no 0 C goto labels N name no no 0 NONE names imported via using scope::symbol ... p prototype no no 0 C function prototypes
By turning on the kind with --kinds-C++=+p, u-ctags tags make_point:
make_point foo.h /^struct point *make_point(int x0, int y0);$/;" p typeref:struct:point * point foo.h /^struct point {$/;" s x foo.h /^ int x, y;$/;" m struct:point typeref:typename:int y foo.h /^ int x, y;$/;" m struct:point typeref:typename:int
Wildcard * is for enabling all kinds of a language at once. --kinds-C++=* option enables all kinds of C++ parser. If you specify all as the name of <LANG>, you can enable all kinds of all languages at once.
Don't assume following three things.
U-ctags developers know vi.
If you explain the expectation about how tags related functions of vi and its plugins, U-ctags developers don't understand it. The answer from them can be "it can be a bug of vi."
U-ctags developers know the programming language that you are talking.
U-ctags developers need your help to understand the meaning of language object you asked tagging especially about kind. A person extending a parser have to decide a kind of newly tagging language object: reusing an existing kind or introducing a new kind. U-ctags developers expect a report know the concept kind, field, and extra. ctags.1 man page of u-ctags explains them.
English is the native language of the head maintainer.
I don't want to write this but I have to write this. Following are my private request for reporters.
Instead of long explanation, showing code or output examples make me understand what you want.
Don't omit sentences. Please, write your sentence in full.
Use pronounce fewer.
U-ctags can generate something meaningful from a broken input.
From garbage, u-ctags generates garbage. For a syntactically broken input source file, U-ctags does not work well. U-ctags developers will not work on improving u-ctags for handing such input. The exception is that macro related input. Well known one is C and C++.
Following a tuple with three items helps us to understand what you want.
Input file
A shorter input file is better. However, it must be syntactically valid. Show the URL (or something) where you get the input file. It is needed to incorporate the input file to the u-ctags source tree as a test case.
Command line running u-ctags
Expected output
These three items should be rendered preformatted form on an issue page of GitHub. Use triple backquotes notation of GitHub's markdown notation. I will close an issue with a bad notation like this issue.
For the following input file(input.f90), u-ctags reports incomplete pattern for function f at the line 23.
! input.f90, taken from module example_mod ! This module contains two interfaces: ! 1. f_interface, which is an interface to the local f function ! 2. g, which is implemented in the example_smod submodule interface f_interface ! The function `f` is defined below, within the `contains` statement module function f(x) result(y) integer :: x, y end function f end interface f_interface interface ! The function `g` is implemented in example_smod.f90 module function g(x) result(y) integer :: x,y end function g end interface contains function f(x) result(y) integer :: x, y y = x * 2 end function f end module example_mod
I run ctags with following command line:
u-ctags --fields=+n -o - /tmp/input.f90
What I got:
example_mod /tmp/input.f90 /^module example_mod$/;" m line:2 f /tmp/input.f90 /^ fu/;" f line:23 f_interface /tmp/input.f90 /^ interface f_interface$/;" i line:8 module:example_mod
I think this should be:
example_mod /tmp/input.f90 /^module example_mod$/;" m line:2 f /tmp/input.f90 /^ function f/;" f line:23 f_interface /tmp/input.f90 /^ interface f_interface$/;" i line:8 module:example_mod
example_mod /tmp/input.f90 /^module example_mod$/;" m line:2 f /tmp/input.f90 /^ function f(x) result(y)/;" f line:23 f_interface /tmp/input.f90 /^ interface f_interface$/;" i line:8 module:example_mod
Either way, /^ fu/ is too short as a pattern.
The version of u-ctags is 83b0d1f6:
$ u-ctags --version Universal Ctags 0.0.0(83b0d1f6), Copyright (C) 2015 Universal Ctags Team Universal Ctags is derived from Exuberant Ctags. Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert Compiled: Dec 15 2017, 08:07:36 URL: Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex, +multibyte, +debug, +option-directory, +xpath, +json, +interactive, +sandbox, +yaml